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松鼠是栖于树上的动物。Squirrels are arboreal creatures.

猴子生活在树上的栖息地。Monkeys live in an arboreal habitat.

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赤道附近的非洲森林中有些智能的树栖类人猿。Intelligent somewhat arboreal ape of equatorial african forests.

为树栖爬行动物和两栖动物,创建一个三维栖息地。For the arboreal reptiles and amphibians, to create a three-dimensional habitat.

人类的视觉,和灵长目动物的一样,是在丛林环境中进化出来的。Human vision like that of other pr mates has evolved in an arboreal environment.

最初的飞行动物是首先从树梢滑翔到地面的树栖动物吗?Were the first flyers arboreal creatures that initially glided from tree tops to the ground?

动物在世界上是最稀有的树,居住丛林的大袋鼠,那些研究人员说。The animal is the rarest arboreal , jungle-dwelling kangaroo in the world, the researchers say.

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洪水期草本植物花粉含量略高于木本植物。Herb pollen percentage was slightly higher than that of arboreal pollen during the flood period.

闻名的情报,他们生活在树上,它们是最大的活树栖动物。Known for their intelligence, they live in trees and they are the largest living arboreal animal.

跗跖骨结构以及足趾近、远端趾节的长度反映了明显的树栖性特征。Additionally, the structure of tarsometatarsus and the pedal digits presents obviously arboreal adaptation.

塔特索尔说,为在地面直立行走,树栖灵长类动物可能已被“预先准备好”。Tattersall says it makes sense that arboreal primates may have been "primed, " for upright walking on the ground.

该树栖物种的生育间隔期是哺**动物中最长的生育间隔期之一,通常为八年左右。The arboreal species has one of the longest intervals between births among mammals, typically around eight years.

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他想保持这片土地的现有状态,不仅为他的果树,还为生活在树上的所有生物。He wants to keep his land just as it is, not only because of his trees , but also due to the arboreal life it supports.

我们爬上去再回到安置在树上的摄像机平台,然后撞到了树,惹怒了母鹰。Climbing up and down to our arboreal camera platform, and then into the nesting tree itself, incurred the mother’s wrath.

关于第一只鸟是从树栖还是陆生的祖先进化而来,一直是古生物学家激烈争论的话题。Whether the first birds evolved from arboreal or terrestrial ancestors is a matter of lively debate among palaeontologists.

科学家们一直认为蝙蝠是巴尔沙树最重要的传粉者,但最近的研究表明,大部分传粉工作是由哺乳动物承担的。Bats were long considered the primary pollinators of Ochroma, but recent research suggests arboreal mammals do most of the work.

这种以树为家的吃叶族曾经因其毛皮而遭猎捕,如今因受到严格法令的保护,其数量成长正慢慢地回稳。Once hunted for its fur, this arboreal leaf-eater is today protected by stringent laws and is making a slow but steady comeback.

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恐吓皱褶的目的是给蜥蜴足够的时间仓皇撤退,窜入最近的树丛中。The point of the scary frill is to give the lizard enough time to beat a hasty retreat, rocketing up the nearest arboreal loft.

这是一群来自森林世界的巨人,伍基族毛发浓密、高大而威严,甚至连最疲惫不堪的飞行员都对他们印象深刻。Shaggy giants from an arboreal world, the tall and commanding Wookiee species is an impressive sight to even the most jaded spacer.

本文讨论的是关于三次样条插值在农业树木生长的运用与研究。What this article discusses is about three transect interpolations in the agriculture arboreal growth utilization and the research.