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扣脚踝包。Buckled ankle wrap.

他为安全扣好扣子。He buckled up for safety.

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他开始认真着手那项新工作。He buckled to the new job.

母亲搂住了婴儿。Mother buckled in the baby.

我因为害怕而膝盖瘫软。My knees buckled with fear.

膝上扣着班卓琴。A banjo buckled on his knee.

他把皮带束得紧些。He buckled his belt tightly.

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她倾全力于这项工作。She buckled herself to the work.

那座桥在暴风雨中塌陷了。The bridge buckled in the storm.

这名小学生认真做功课。The pupil buckled to the lesson.

这就像一个全麦饼干沉着应战。It buckled like a graham cracker.

她坐进自己座位,将皮带扣好。She buckled herself into her seat.

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那名军官把手枪别紧。The officer buckled on his pistol.

她专心从事于她的新任务。She buckled herself to her new task.

在那次暴乱后一切又归于正常了。Everything buckled down after the riot.

他把他的书包扣在他的自行车上。He buckled his satchel on to his bicycle.

我的汽车撞上了运货卡车后毁坏了。My car buckled up when it struck the lorry.

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人行道在暑热中变得凹凸不平。The pavement heaved and buckled in the heat.

如果我们全力以付的话,我们一定会得到这份工作的。If we all buckled down, we'll soon get the job.

我父亲把挽具扣在牲口身上就走了。My father buckled the harness down and went away.