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不小心你就会大吐特吐。You might accidentally puke.

我不小心把玻璃杯摔了。I accidentally broke a glass.

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他意外走火打中了自己的脚。He accidentally trod on her foot.

她意外地抹去了录了音的磁带。She accidentally erased the tape.

他不小心轧死了他儿子的狗。He accidentally ran over his son's dog.

她不小心把玻璃杯碰掉了。She accidentally knocked the glass off.

苏利意外发现他的阴谋。Sulley accidentally discovers his plot.

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珍丽意外地毁了自己的前程。Jenny accidentally ruined her prospects.

她不小心吞下了一颗玻璃珠。She accidentally swallowed a glass bead.

他不小心把水管子钻漏了。He accidentally drilled into a water pipe.

不小心服伤了小孩子?Have you accidentally kicked a small child?

本人在泰国的时候就不小心被狗咬伤。I in Thailand when they accidentally bites.

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如果她不小心放了屁或打饱嗝等等。If she accidentally passes gas, burps, etc.

有一个年迈的石匠,意外地获得了一块魔石。A old masons, accidentally get a magic stone.

我不小心把饮料溅得他浑身都是。I accidentally spilled my drink all over him.

他一不小心被玻璃丝划破了手。He accidentally cut his hand on the glass silk.

这番谈话,意外地被沈凡听到了。The conversation was accidentally heard by shen.

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失言就是一不小心说了实话。Accidentally alip of the tongue is that the truth.

失言就是一不小心说了实话。Accidentally slip of the tongue that is the truth.

这个交通事故的发生几乎纯属偶然。The traffic accident was born almost accidentally.