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他们目光呆滞。Their eyes glaze over.

刷上打散的鸡蛋上光。Brush on beaten egg glaze.

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在馅饼上涂上打匀的蛋液使表面发亮。Glaze the pie with beaten egg.

蛋白的生长将会使新皮无结疤之虑。A sizing or glaze made of egg white.

这是加上糖汁的蜜汁火腿。It's a honey ham with a sweet glaze.

并获得了效果理想的复合乳浊釉。The ideal opacity glaze was obtained.

路上有一层薄冰是危险的。A glaze of ice on the road is dangerous.

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在例子A里面展示了上釉如何应用。Example A shows how a glaze should work.

安顺哪里有卖琉璃?Where has An Shun to sell coloured glaze?

可乐也可使烤肠滑润可口。Coke also makes a great glaze for baked ham.

施用前需将釉浆摇匀,见议用扇笔上釉。Shake jar then apply with a glaze fan brush.

拂其釉面平滑细腻,如同美玉。Brushed its glaze smooth exquisite, like jewels.

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埃及自古代起就使用釉料。Glaze has been used from ancient times in Egypt.

在每一个玛芬的表面刷上柠檬釉料。Brush each muffin generously with the lemon glaze.

不色的釉是否是半环型玉下垂?Is not the colored glaze semi-annular jade pendant?

最常见的是蓝白色釉面青白。The most common glaze was the bluish white Qingbai.

人们不要长期使用装饰艳丽的釉上彩烤花餐具。People should try to use glaze or underglaze ceramics.

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其次,釉面色差应尽可能小。Next, glaze chromatism should as far as possible small.

焗料的辛辣与和甜薯的甘甜相互映衬。The glaze makes a spicy contrast to the sweet potatoes.

缩点釉是一种釉面会收缩成点粒现象的釉。Shrinkage dot glaze is a glaze that could shrink to dot.