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他们都俯首帖耳了。They all bowed submission.

你还是服从为好。Submission will pay you better.

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饥饿迫使他去偷食。They hunger him into submission.

这是我们公司的投标书。Here is our Submission of Tender.

使用在线提交表。Using the on-line submission form.

让你的恐惧屈服于你。Wrestle your fear into submission.

他们切断敌军粮援而迫其投降。They starved the enemy into submission.

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孩子们被打得服服贴贴。The children were beaten into submission.

这些人被吓得服服贴贴。The men were cowed into total submission.

不行,请使用在线提交系统。No. Please use the online submission system.

建立查询提交的端点。This sets the endpoint for query submission.

在数据提交过程中处理错误Handle errors during the form data submission

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提交一份其书面材料的大纲provide a synopsis of their written submission

他们必恭必敬地向国王鞠躬。They bowed to the king with all due submission.

我们的意见书系统的安全性和匿名。Our submission systems are secure and anonymized.

兹收到參赛者递交之自选樂曲表格。Received from of Class the submission of OC Form.

女人要沉静学道,一味地顺服。Let a woman learn in silence with full submission.

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后退就只能是甘受屈辱和奴役。There is no retreat but in submission and slavery!

拥抱怪兽,让你的恐惧向你屈服。Hug the monster. Wrestle your fear into submission.

我们别无退路,否则只能含垢忍辱,沦为奴隶。There is no retreat, but in submission and slavery!