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我也有希望!I had hopes!

他们是逃兵吗?Had they fled?

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他有了一根绳子。He had a rope.

贾菲有他的。Japhy had his.

他有了一个想法……He had an idea.

因为他没有孩子。He had no kids.

我得进行查核。I had to check.

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我必须坚持下去。I had to go on.

一些人还支起了帐篷。Some had tents.

他们都是1.5。They had a 1.5.

他们带着炸弹。They had bombs.

他把我们都问住了。He had us there.

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他知道她说过。He knew she had.

我有人帮忙的。I had some help.

他早就忘了这档子事。He had forgotten.

他有案卷在此。He had the files.

我还有一支冲锋枪。I also had a SMG.

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我有我的自由!I had my freedom!

没有,我们计无所出了。No, we've had it.

或是在责骂他们呢?Or had I scolded?