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我家房子盖了有20年了。My house is 20 rs old.

恏巴长荣从奥兰诉讼。RS EVA from Orlan suit.

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他是理科主考人之一。He is one of the science examine rs.

单人房间价格是500卢比。The single rooms are priced at Rs. 500.

据报道,他也得到卢比的数额。Reportedly, he also got an amount of Rs.

护卫员同闯入的人扭打起来。The guards wrestled with the intrude rs.

双方最后达成一致的金额是30亿卢布。The sum finally agreed upon was Rs 300 crore.

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销售的自己使用过的物品。Sale of goods which have been used by the selle rs.

这样,我们安排十天,你给我们2000卢比一天。OK, we make it 10 days, you give us 2000 rs per day.

这样,我们摆设十天,你给我们2000卢比一天。OK, we make it 10 days, you give us 2000 rs per day.

但烟草购买商们希望将起拍价格确定在每公斤90卢比。But buyers wanted the price to be fixed at Rs 90 a kg.

本文主要介绍传感器的选型及误差分析。The choice of senso rs and error analysis were presented.

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每钟头10个卢比,一天是100卢比,从现在算起24钟头内都算一天。Rs per hour, 100 Rs per day, that means 24 hours from now.

剩下的皆为低等级烟叶,平均每公斤售价69.52卢比。The rest were of low grades, which traded at Rs 69.52 a kg.

RS码硬件译码器也可应用于地面接收系统中。RS hardware decoder can be used in the ground receiver system.

一支优质卷烟的最高税收仅仅为1卢比。The maximum duty for one premium stick accounts for just Rs 1.

那些身受重伤,将得到每一个卢比万卢比。Those who sustained serious injuries will get Rs. 1 Lakh each.

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他从小到大一直在农场工作,都50多年了。He's been working that farm, man and boy , for more than 50 rs.

人们总是追求物质和精神的满足。People always pu rs ue the satisfaction of material and spirit.

电子客票要收取少量费用,现在是25卢比,约合35便士。A small charge is made for e-tickets, currently RS 25, about 35p.