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北港河床航道稳定性较差,河床逐渐演变。The riverbed of the North Channel is unstable and changing.

变动回水区河床演变特性。Evolution characteristics of riverbed in fluctuating backwater area.

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在中国历史的长河中,它沿着曲折的河床艰难行进。Inthelong river of China history, it walked along the zigzag riverbed.

滩地是平原河床季节性淹水的微地形。Floodplain is a seasonally inundated micro-geography on plain riverbed.

许多地方的河床裸露并用水泥加固。The riverbed was dredged and reinforced with concrete in many locations.

最晚自中更新世以来西江河床叠置很明显。Xijiang riverbed has obviously superimposed since Middle Pleistocene Epoch at latest.

一架中华民国空军的T-34教练机五月二十九日停在屏东县的一个河床上。An ROC Air Force T-34 training aircraft lies on a dry riverbed in Pingtung County, May 29.

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一辆很旧的大客车停在一条于涸了的河床旁,一群著名男女演员下了车。An ancient bus stopped by a dry riverbed and a party of famous actors and actresses got off.

正当我陷入无尽的自责和懊悔时,车驶到一处干涸的河床里突然停了下来,“他们要杀我们了”,塔赫尔在我耳边悄声说道,“完了,他们肯定打算在这儿杀死我们了!We reached a dry riverbed and the car stopped. “They’re going to kill us, ” Tahir whispered.

该模型能同时对河床冲刷深度及粗化稳定级配进行计算。The model can calculate scour depth of riverbed and armoring steady graduation simultaneously.

河岸土壤性质及河弘深度是堤内地下水的两个重要影响因素。The river bank soil nature and riverbed depth are two important factors acting on groundwater.

在三门峡水库修建前,潼关河床基本处于冲淤平衡或微淤状态。Tongguan riverbed elevation is basically stable before the construction of SanMenXia reservoir.

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在旱季,你可以沿着河床的石头一直走到有一些房子的地方。During the dry season, you can follow the rocky riverbed all the way down to some little houses.

在这里,动画人物都带回了就上新创建的河床叠加。Here, the animated characters are brought back in and superimposed on the newly-created riverbed.

被河流从山区冲刷下来的金子,沉积在八堵附近的河床中,源源不绝。The gold, washed down the mountain by the river and left in the riverbed near Patu , kept on coming.

图为在巴基斯坦境内,一支探险队在喜马拉雅山系的喀喇昆仑山脉中沿着河床徒步前往川口塔峰的途中。A team en route to Trango Tower in the Himalaya's Karakoram Range hikes along a riverbed in Pakistan.

我们席地而坐,极目宽阔的河床和没有星月的夜空。We sit on the ground, looking into the distance of the wide riverbed and the night sky without stars.

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深根性,主。侧根均发达,以深厚肥沃的河床两岸生长良好。Deep root sex, advocate, lateral root all develops, grow with deep and fecund riverbed two sides good.

遍地黄沙的荒漠,干涸的河床与湖床中的沉积物——在伊拉克,这些沙尘源地的存在,为沙尘暴的发展壮大提供了极佳的条件。Sandy deserts, impermanent lakes, and riverbed sediments provide plentiful material for dust storms in Iraq.

原来魔是从河床粘土塑造百年前,由魔法咒语,以保护无辜者。The original Golem was molded from riverbed clay centuries ago, enchanted by spells to protect the innocent.