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这米饭有点夹生。The rice is partly underdone.

这牛肉未熟透,简直不能吃。The beef was underdone and quite uneatable.

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你喜欢牛排做得老一点还是嫩一点?。Do you like your steak well-done or underdone?

她用半生不熟的熏肉和烧焦了的饼干招待我们。She served us underdone bacon and burnt biscuits.

我受不了牛排做得太熟,我想要它做得嫩。I can't bear my steak overcooked, and want it underdone.

我不喜欢吃太生的,给我做熟一些。I don't like my steak too underdone . Make mine well done.

冷猪肉,哦,特别是半生半熟的,很可能引起这种心态。Cold pork, now, especially if underdone , might produce this sort of thing.

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加强卫生宣教,把住“病从口入”关是防止华支睾吸虫感染,控制华支睾吸虫病流行的有效措施。The mode of infection with Clonorchis sinensis was feeding the raw or underdone fishes and shrimps.

这家餐厅倒是不太用生僻的字来拼凑矫情的菜名,因为菜单上还有一道“没烧熟的肝”。The restaurant didn't bother with fancy terms such as rare, because the next item was "Underdone Liver".

绝对或非常有限的人用半生不熟的工具,仅仅是因为他们假装是易于使用。Definitely nobody has to use underdone or very limited tools, just because they pretend to be easy to use.

记住,鱼将继续煮一点点的,一旦它的热的,所以你要要稍微嫩,当你把它关闭。Remember that the fish will continue to cook a little once it's off the heat, so you want it to be slightly underdone when you take it off.