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钢化玻璃罩。Tempered glass covering.

钢铁就是这样炼成。It is how the steel was tempered.

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汤姆微笑着加以婉转拒绝。Tom tempered his refusal with a smile.

行动是被幻想淬了火的思想。Action is thought tempered by illusion.

他听起来像一个脾气暴躁的孩子。He sounded like an ill- tempered child.

烈火炼真金。Pure gold is tempered in a blazing fire.

他已经用水将烈酒冲淡。He has tempered the strong drink with water.

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回火组织中出现少量贝氏体。The tempered structure had a little bainite.

肉也用微波来解冻、预热和回火。Meats could be defrosted, precooked and tempered.

他们管这叫硫化或电镀或者是回火之类。They call that vulcanized or galvanized or tempered.

掩门物料可选择钢面或无框透明玻璃。Doors are available in metal or clear tempered glass.

那天的辩论紧张激烈,常常火药味十足。It was a day of tense and often ill- tempered debate.

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我的爸爸是我们家里脾气最好的人。My dad is the most good- tempered person in my family.

爱国主义是被自我欺骗所调和的对权利的渴望。Nationalism is power-hunger tempered by self-deception.

铝压铸外壳,硅橡胶密封圈,钢化玻璃。Die cast aluminum housing, Silastic ring, Tempered glass.

使用能受高热的玻璃容器、康宁锅等,还是安全一些。It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc.

威力减弱的暗淡阳光从树叶间洒下来。A pale gleam of tempered sunlight fell through the leaves.

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行动就是被幻想历练成的思想。Action is thought tempered by illusion. -----Elbert Hubbard.

你如何证明在那段时间里,没有人动过这些邮件?And can you prove no one tempered with them within that time?

他还和从前一样,除了那种愤激心情,他对事物还抱着原来的见解,不过变得温和一些了。He still held the same opinions. Only, they had been tempered.