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与她相比,其他运动员似乎都是业余的。Beside her other players seem amateurish.

而我们在电话会议时,则用一些简单的密码。On conference calls we spoke in amateurish code.

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波米诺夫甚至仿佛是嘲笑德黑兰的不完善的规划。Perminov even seemed to mock Tehran's amateurish planning.

接着,他便开始在一些电影中进行业余表演。Then later he began to appear in some films as an amateurish actor.

这些东西如果不能正确使用将会导致网站大失水准。These things, when used improperly, lead to very amateurish looking websites.

形式自由的文档看起来不专业,也让音视频行业的专业人员难以理解。Free-form documents look amateurish and can be difficult for audio-visual professionals to understand.

影片看似粗疏,甚至外行的时候,但其态度是如此奔放,它的难以抗拒。The movie looks slipshod and even amateurish at times, yet its attitude is so bubbly it's hard to resist.

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这种技术可对普通犯罪分子或低层次武装分子团体起到威慑作用,但对自杀性袭击者无效。It can be a deterrent for ordinary criminals or amateurish militant groups, but is not for committed suicide attackers.

基于这个原因,许多设计师避开这两种类型,出于厌恶或者因为看起来很业余的感觉。For this reason, many designers steer clear of both types either out of disgust or because of a fear of looking amateurish.

渐变不要滥用,更不要把渐变弄的跟彩虹似的,否则你的网页作品看起来比较外行。I’m not sure if there is an effect that can be butchered and make your site look more amateurish than poor use of gradients.

当他06年成为日本民主党的首领时,他将它从一个被嘲笑为外行的实体变成了一个自由民主党的强大对手。When he became DPJ president in 2006, he transformed it from an entity once mocked as amateurish into a formidable opponent to the LDP.

比赛的结果是1.5米高的姚明甚至都不能够瞄准篮筐。他的对手投的相当专业的水准并且击败了他。The contest ended when the then 1.5-meter tall Yao couldn't even graze the rim. A rival classmate launched an amateurish shot and sank it.

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令人惊异的是,这意味着网站不仅不能太先锋、乖巧或者平实,也不能太不友好、花哨或者不专业。Amazingly, this means that not only can't the site be too cutting edge, clever or slick, it also can't be too horrible, garish or amateurish.

我十多年前曾经做过自动化控制的工作,对这方面有一定的了解。也曾玩过27M频段业余无线电通信。I also know the controlling of robotization because I had done it ten years ago, and I know amateurish wireless communication of 27M frequency.

他们不约而同地大书特书这个改革的政治色彩,或者说些这个计划死定了之类的话,有的人还说这是个欠考虑的改革计划。They typically--they like to talk about the politics of it and this thing, that it's dead on arrival or it'ssomeone said it's an amateurish proposal.

他们不约而同地大书特书这个改革的政治色彩,或者说些这个计划死定了之类的话,有的人还说这是个欠考虑的改革计划。They typically--they like to talk about the politics of it and this thing, that it's dead on arrival or it'ssomeone said it's an amateurish proposal.

但是,即使是这种打击计划也不会在近期内成为现实,高级议员及专家表示,目前的提议“不专业”。But even the strike plan won't become reality anytime soon, as senior lawmakers and experts say current proposals are "amateurish" and poorly thought out.

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除去顶部角上那个戴皇冠的男人照片,网页上还有一个十分业余的城堡图片,外加通篇的血红色亮字。Aside from the photo of a man wearing a crown in the top corner, there is also an amateurish picture of a castle and lurid bright text scattered throughout.

在狄更斯写作的年代,还是一桩有点非专业的行当,可现在已经变成一种系统的、甚至工业化的工艺程序。In particular, the production of humbug — which was still a somewhat amateurish craft when Dickens wrote — has now become a systematic, even industrial, process.

与此同时在许多手风琴演奏家的独奏音乐会中,甚至在手风琴的业余考级教材中,我们都可以看到斯卡拉蒂奏鸣曲的存在。In many accordion executants'concerts, even in some amateurish accordion passing-level teaching materials, we can find the existence of Domenico Scarlatti's sonatas.