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对体重的态度也被认为是其中的一个因素,DC的流行病学家潘力平博士表示。Attitudes about weight also are believed to be a factor, said Dr. Liping Pan, a CDC epidemiologist.

美国疾病控制中心在一次发现总报告上通过流行病学家肯道明格博士和其他的研究者说。S. , " the CDC said in a summary of the findings by epidemiologist Dr. Ken Dominguez and other researchers."

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哈佛大学公共卫生医学院的流行病学专家金·伯特兰就表示,她真的没看出这有什么价值。"I'm not really seeing the value in this, " says Kim Bertrand, an epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Public Health.

CDC的流行病学家新病毒博士说法蒂玛达乌德,“我们仍在研究啥病人最危险。”"We're still learning about what patients are most at risk" from the new virus, said Dr. Fatima Dawood, a CDC epidemiologist.

美国癌症流行病学专家阿尔芭.帕特看了这项调查数据后认为,“该数据看起来是非常合理的估计”。Alpa Patel an American Cancer Society epidemiologist who looked at the data says the numbers "seem like very reasonable estimates."

“我们认为有一系列病毒参与其中,”实验中心的流行病学家曼迪·何宁说道。“We think there may be a huge range of viruses involved, ” said Mady Hornig, an epidemiologist at the Center for Infection and Immunity.

威廉·肯是美国俄勒冈州立健康部门的一名资深流行病研究者,是位公认的全国最好的专家之一。William Keene is a senior epidemiologist for the U. S. state of Oregon's public health department, recognized as one of the nation's best.

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“我们的研究表明,金融危机不只是钱的问题——它们也会影响人们的健康,”斯图克勒博士表示。“Our findings show that financial crises aren’t just about money – they also impact on people’s health,” said Dr Stuckler, a social epidemiologist.

萨克特是国际著名的临床流行病学家和循证医学先驱者,他为临床流行病学和循证医学的发生、展作出了重要贡献。Sacker, a world famous clinical epidemiologist and pioneer of evidence-based medicine, to which he makes great contributions to its appearance and development.

热带医学学院的流行病学家安德鲁·海因斯领导了这项研究,他们在研究中模拟了多个减少温室气体排放的情境。The team, led by epidemiologist Andrew Haines at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, modelled a number of scenarios for reducing greenhouse gases.

卫生部在世卫组织的支持下派遣了由一名病毒学家、一名流行病学家和一名昆虫学家组成的多学科工作队前往两地调查疫情。The Ministry of Health, supported by WHO has sent a multidisciplinary team including a virologist, an epidemiologist and an entomologist to investigate both outbreaks.

“我们还没有发现受感染的猪,”哥伦比亚大学流行病学家和世界卫生组织监测网络成员伊恩·利普金说。“We haven't found evidence of infected pigs,” said Ian Lipkin, a Columbia University epidemiologist and member of the World Health Organization's surveillance network.

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但在20世纪40年代,如一位流行病学家所写的那样,“询问香烟与癌症有什么联系就像是在问坐姿与癌症有什么联系一样。”By the early 1940s, as one epidemiologist wrote, “asking about a connection between tobacco and cancer was like asking about an association between sitting and cancer.”

此外,在哈拉雷的世卫组织国家间支持小组的一位流行病学家和3名数据管理员正在协助世卫组织国家办事处进行数据监测、分析和制图。In addition, an epidemiologist and three data managers from the WHO Inter-country Support Team in Harare are assisting the WHO Country Office in data monitoring, analysis and mapping.

加拿大卡尔加里市亚伯达卫生服务中心的流行病学专家克里斯汀。佛里奇认为,“这项研究给予我们一种防癌思路,即进行更多的体育锻炼。”"This gives us some idea of the cancers we could prevent by getting people to be more active " says epidemiologist Christine Friedenreich of Alberta Health Services in Calgary Canada.

加拿大卡尔加里市亚伯达卫生服务中心的流行病学专家克里斯汀.佛里奇认为,“这项研究给予我们一种防癌思路,即通过更多的体育锻炼。”"This gives us some idea of the cancers we could prevent by getting people to be more active," says epidemiologist Christine Friedenreich of Alberta Health Services in Calgary, Canada.

巴塞罗纳环境流行病研究中心的流行病学家马诺里斯•柯格维纳斯表示,这项研究还处于初期,建议人们停止游泳为时尚早。The work is too preliminary to suggest that people should stop swimming, said Manolis Kogevinas, an epidemiologist at the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona.

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一位著名的流行病学家呼吁世界卫生组织澄清它关于流感大流行的定义——否则太多的流感病毒都可以有资格成为大流行毒株,这导致了不适当的警报。A leading epidemiologist has called on the WHO to clarify its definition of an influenza pandemic — otherwise too many flu viruses could qualify as pandemic strains, causing undue alarm.

卡瑟林罗丽亚,该论文的合著者之一,也是一位资助了该项研究的国立心肺血学院的营养与流行病学家,她对该项发现感到鼓舞。Catherine Loria, one of the study's co-authors and a nutritional epidemiologist with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, which funded the study, was encouraged by the findings.

他和同事的研究表明,那些日常中久坐的男性女性们,由于各种原因所导致,他们是死亡风险较高的人。Alpa Patel, an epidemiologist with the American Cancer Society and colleagues showed that both men and women who sit for a longer time daily were at a higher risk of dying from all causes.