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病人是一名18岁男子,牛养殖者。He was an 18-year-old man, a cattle breeder.

第二个是伯特是一个胖的养畜者。The second one Bert was a fat stock breeder.

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快速反应堆有自己属性。Fast breeder reactors are in a calss by themselves.

筛选种用公鸡繁殖期饲料配方。Select feed formula in the breeder cock's breeding period.

但是他怎么也考不上,所以一直做着饲养员。But how he can pass the test, it has been doing the breeder.

是有人繁育了她,还是平白从天上掉下来的?Did some breeder breed her, or did she fall down from above?

提示养貂者为好发EHF的危险人群。This indicated that Marten' breeder is high risk population for EHF.

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其他分场未出现类似情况,由此推测该病与种鸡群有关。So it was concluded that this disease was related to broiler breeder.

在冰冷的微风中,饲养员地从种子中榨油。In the freezing breeze, the breeder greedily squeezed oil from the seeds.

在维肯森的一个农场里,饲养员称这只小牛是天造的怪物。On a farm in Wisconsin, a breeder is calling this calf a freak of nature.

在冰冷的微风中,饲养员贪婪地从种子中榨油。In the freezing breeze, the breeder greedily squeezed oil from the seeds.

这就要看胖的范围了,伯特胖,伯特又是个养畜者。So is the scope of fat, just that Bert was fat and Bert was a stock breeder.

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它是只纯种拳师豿,有优秀血统,所以昂贵。我们是跟一位一流的动物饲育师买的。Boxer with an outstanding pedigree that's why. We got him from a top breeder.

我国也在肉用型鸡群中分离鉴定出了ALV-J的中国株。ALV-J was isolated and identified in 1999 from two broiler breeder farms in China.

询问你的小狗的繁殖者如何对待7到12周的小狗。Ask the breeder how she handles the pups during the critical 7- to 12-week period.

关于在尼日利亚伊巴丹玉米种质资源保护育种家的健康状况检查。A breeder checks on the health status of conserved maize germplasm in Ibadan, Nigeria.

的粒子抽除是通过偏滤器进行的。The particle exhaust of Fusion Experimental Breeder FEB E is carried out with divertor.

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寻找地道的德牧繁育者,你就有很大机会得到一条健全的狗。You're chances of getting a sound dog are far better by seeking out a real GSD breeder.

种鸡精量饲喂系统的核心部分是种鸡个体采食数据的获取。The feeding data acquisition part is very important for the breeder precision feeding system.

经常和工程部保持沟通,参与种鸡场的建设、投产工作。Keep good communication with project dept and take part in breeder construction and operation.