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几乎任何缺陷都可以解释为意志方面的原因。Almost any deficit can be explained as volitional.

爱国行为是自觉自愿的、具有利他性的、具体的社会行为。The patriotic act is an altruistic and volitional behavior in the society.

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挫折承受能力是衡量人的意志品质的一个重要指标。The endurance of setbacks is a standard mat can evaluate the volitional character of a person.

又一次,卡卡用自己出众的球技和坚强的意志震惊了世界。Now for the second time, Kaka awed the world with his distinctive skills and volitional quality.

那么靠什么去坚持,就要靠顽强的意志品质和坚定的信念。So what to rely on to hold to, be about to rely on tenacious volitional character and sturdy belief.

就语意上而言,过量结构只允许有意志性的施事者,并描述一个有界的情况。Semantically, the excessive construction allows only a volitional agent and denotes a telic situation.

在躲避不了的时候,要运用意志的力量,转移注意,把注意力转向其他事物或其他兴趣。When cannot be avoided, want to use volitional power, prescind, change attention to other thing or other interest.

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化解艰难的策略为超越、当下、身体以及和谐,它体现了教师意志行动的智慧。The solution lies in transcendence, the current, body and harmony. It embodies the teachers' wisdom of volitional action.

工作搜索行为是个体付出努力和时间,获取潜在的工作信息的有目的的意志性行为模式。Job search behavior is one′s volitional pattern of behaviors that take efforts and time to obtain the potential job information.

从实证的方面来说,这一理论坚持人类的意志性行为中理性选择是最高原则,性行为就是这样的行为。On the positive side, the theory asserts the paramountcy of rational choice in volitional human behavior, which sexual behavior is.

自伤行为是指所有针对自己身体进行直接伤害的行为,这种行为一般是经过思考的,并且不以死亡为目的。Self-injurious behavior is defined as a volitional act to harm one's body without any intention to die as a result of the behavior.

声乐学习是一个长期而艰苦的过程,意志调控的参与使声乐学习者具备了更强的主观能动性。Vocal learning is a long and strenuous process, and the exercise of volitional control allows vocal learner to have stronger motivation.

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我们用意志控制了心理过程,从而滋生了伪善。“Hypocrisy is driven by mental processes over which we have volitional control, ” said Dr. Valdesolo, a psychologist at Amherst College.

这种和平的实现存在于意识结构的被平静,而新的再生的条件被根除。This peace is achieved when the existing volitional formations are pacified, and the conditions for the production of new ones are eradicated.

未来期能采用本研究结果作为评估老年人执行自主性多方向跨步能力之重要依据。These findings can serve as the relevant baseline information for assessing performance of volitional stepping in older adults in future studies.

这就是涅槃、不死、意志活动的止息、从一切缘起造作也就是从无常与死亡中的最后解脱。This is Nibbana, the Deathless, the stilling of volitional activities, the final liberation from all conditioned formations and thus from impermanence and death.

此结果呼应了「人类职能模式」理论,即环境会影响个体的意志表现。This result did meet the theory of the"Model of Human Occupation". That is, the volitional function of the clients could be influenced by environmental features.

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本研究首次证实长期补充可增加机体抗氧化防御的乳浆蛋白,可以改善肌肉运动功能。This is the first study to demonstrate that prolonged supplementation with a product designed to augment antioxidant defenses resulted in improved volitional performance.

主要以抑郁心境、思维迟缓和意志活动减退为主,多数病例还存在各种躯体症状。Basically alleviate behindhand with depressed mental state, thinking volitional activity drops give priority to, most case of illness still is put in all sorts of body symptoms.

很少人在做利己选择的时候能有坚强的意志或是自我控制力在同时不去伤害他人。Very few people have sufficient levels of volitional or self control such that they will not choose to harm others in the process of choosing actions which will benefit the self.