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时刻警惕着隆隆声和摇晃。Alert for the rumble and shake.

控制器的隆隆声已添加。Controller rumble has been added.

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你撞到路边的减震带了。You hit the rumble strips the road.

我听到远处雷声隆隆。I hear the rumble of thunder in the distance.

冬雷阵阵,夏雨雪。Thunder rumble in winter, Snow fall in summer.

有轨电车隆隆通过东京荒川区的轨道。Streetcars rumble down Tokyo's Arakawa tramline.

小牛队能不能克服雷霆大震呢?。Can the Mavericks handle the rumble of the thunder?

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而且没有火箭的轰鸣,乘坐将非常宁静。And without the rumble of a rocket, the ride will be serene.

每一阵隆隆的雷声都似乎把我们和远在他乡的儿子拉近了一些。Each rumble seemed to tie us closer to a son so far from home.

远处轰鸣的雷声似乎在呼应我内心的混乱。The rumble of distant thunder seemed to echo my inner turmoil.

当雷云在天上轰响,六月的阵雨落下的时候。WHEN storm clouds rumble in the sky and June showers come down.

美尔根激动起来,喉咙里发出低沉、愉快的声音。Maheegun stirred, with the deep rumble of pleasure in his throat.

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在如今的经济形势下,俄国仅能做到不让卢布轰然倒地。In today's economy, Russia simply doesn't have the rubles to rumble.

她第一次去托马斯的寓所,体内就开始咕咕咕了。The first time she went to Tomas's flat her insides began to rumble.

从微观上说,此番丛林中的隆隆声势是我们所有人当前所面临的斗争。In microcosm, this rumble in the jungle is the fight we all face now.

他听到了马蹄的哒哒声和马车车轮的辘辘声。He heard the clip -clop of horse's feet and the rumble of wagon wheels.

但是在三十前的春天早些时候,圣海伦火山开始隆隆作响。But in the early spring three decades ago, Mount St. Helens began to rumble.

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欧比万发现墙中间的一块石头慢慢探了出来,整面墙开始隆隆作响。Obi-Wan saw one stone midway up the wall ease out a fraction. He heard a rumble.

片刻之后,从山上传来了咆哮的声音,仿佛雾角一般低沉辽远。Moments later, he heard a low moaning rumble over the hills, a sound like a foghorn.

她在上班,机器“轰隆隆”地响,她跑出来着急地问我怎么了。She is at work, the machine" rumble " in the ring, she ran out anxiously asked me how.