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工作线路状态,FDDI光纤一种可能的状态。Active Line State, one possible state of an FDDI optical fiber.

将智能设备连接到FDDI网络上的适配器类型。An adapter that connects an intelligent device to an FDDI network.

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因此最小的被ISL封装的FDDI帧大小是47字节。Therefore, the minimum ISL encapsulated packet for FDDI is 47 bytes.

一项技术,用于判断哪一个工作站将激活FDDI振铃。A technique used to determine which station will initialize an FDDI ring.

所以FDDI可以充当非常高效的跨局域网大容量网络主干。So FDDI is very useful as a high capacity backbone between different LANs.

在高速局域网络中,FDDI是唯一在网络协议中包含网络管理功能的网络。In high-speed LAN, FDDI is the only network protocol with the function of network management.

路由器也能与不同的第二层技术相接,如以太网,令牌环和FDDI…Routers also can connect different layer 2 technologies, such as Ethernet, token ring, and FDDI.

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除开销非常小外,fddi是一种成熟的和得到广泛支持的主干网技术。In addition to having very little overhead, FDDI is a mature and widely supported backbone technology.

机载FDDI高速光纤数据总线通信系统就是为适应这种需求而设计的。The design of the airborne FDDI high speed fiber data bus communication system just adapt to this requirment.

本文简要介绍了企业路由器、路由选择桥接器、接入路由器、FDDI集中器和设备管理系统等设备。The paper briefly des-cnbes Enterprise Router. Router Bridge. Access Router. FDDI Concentrator and Element Management System.

FDDI可支持很大的网络规模,技术成熟成本低,因此适合于大型民用机载应用环境。The FDDI could support large scale network, has mature technique and low cost features. It can meet the needs of large commercial aircraft.

采用同步复用方式和灵活的映射结构,以基本传输模块STM-1为桥梁,与原有的PDH信号实现纵向的前向兼容,与ATM、FDDI等数字体制实现后向兼容。Second, it has the feature of synchronous multiplexing and flexible mapping mechanism, so it can use STM-1 signal to bundle ATM cells, FDDI signals as well as PDH signals.

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尽管以太网和FDDI在很多方面不同,实现双方数据封包格式互相转化还是可以的,所以以太网和FDDI可以通过网桥实现连接。Even though Ethernet and FDDI are different in many ways, it’s possible to translate the packet formats, so Ethernet and FDDI networks can be interconnected through bridges.