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显示出生命的顽强不屈。Shown unyielding tenacity of life.

谨记要避开无情火和利叉阵!Avoid the unyielding fire and the chasing forks!

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对命运的不屈就是对生命的尊重。Unyielding to the fate shows your respect for life.

我为我们中华民族这种愈挫愈奋的精神深深感动。I am deeply moved by the unyielding spirit of my people.

那个不屈的人凶猛地刺穿田野�的盾牌.The unyielding man fiercely pierced the shield in the field.

弟兄结怨,劝他和好,比取坚固城还难。An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city.

这位烈士生就一身傲骨,从未在敌人面前屈服过。A man of unyielding character, he would rather break than bend.

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他的敏锐的,疑惑的眼睛看着后面,坚定而不屈。His sharp, quizzical eyes look back, unblinking and unyielding.

她争强好胜,不服输的精神让我佩服。She seek to prevail over others, unyielding spirit lets me admire.

那些直言不讳的忠告每天都在我头脑中响起。Those are blunt, unyielding admonitions that ring in my head every day.

亚洲人民有着自强不息的民族精神和杰出的创造力。The Asian people have an unyielding national spirit and great creativity.

“自刎乌江”造就了他高傲不屈的人格。"Suicided beside Wu River"to accomplish his arrogant unyielding personality.

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为了弥补这个技能,最明显的路子就是装强硬,不干活。An obvious way to compensate for a lack of skills is to be tough and unyielding.

这样使挖沟更容易-花岗岩很坚硬。This makes it easier for utilities to dig trenches – granite is unyielding stuff.

她刚迈出校门,便遇到了一堵难以逾越的歧视之墙。As soon as she left university, she ran up against an unyielding wall of prejudice.

即便是最后一轮对手浙江,也同样是块硬骨头。Even if is last round match Zhejiang, is also the block unyielding person similarly.

我诧异,为什么竟没有发现在落英的背后,这萌动的不屈的生命呢?。I wondered whyIhad had noideaof some unyielding life sprouting overthefallen petals.

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南京市花梅花与香港区花紫荆花都有坚强不屈的性格。Nanjing Plum Flower and Hong Kong bauhinia flower has a strong and unyielding character.

体育运动赋予郝彤途健康的体魄,也培养了他坚强的性格。Sports have not only shaped his strong body but also cultivated his unyielding character.

其实,比贫富悬殊更能杀死爱情的是年轻而倔强的心。However, young but unyielding heart is more powerful at murdering love than the difference.