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在19,奥托停止他的迷幻剂的探索。At nineteen, Otto discontinued his exploration of LSD.

停服麻醉药虽已过了两年,但他仍被幻觉困扰着。Two years after his last dose of LSD he was still deliring.

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多组均数间的显著性检验用单因素方差分析。Ingroups, LSD was used to check the differences between two groups.

从以上的这些研究中,很难对嗑药与创造力的关系得出一个明确的结论。It's difficult to draw any firm conclusions from the LSD and creativity research.

卧底警官发现了用于使迷幻药浸透到纸里的毒品制造设备。Undercover officers found drug-making equipment used to impregnate paper with LSD.

还有超大剂量的麻醉药、迷幻剂和所有那些然后我对此就没有记忆了。and mega doses of drugs and LSD and all of that and I have no memory of any of that.

塞莱托说,致幻药的副作用让时年25岁的康纳利病得很严重,以至于在床上躺了数天后才康复。Cilento said the LSD made Connery, who was then 25, so ill he spent days in bed recovering.

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你可能想你的后轮驱动车能做出“帅呆了”的“甩尾动作”,那么应该使用LSD。You may want lots of power oversteer in your rear wheel drive car, in which case, get a LSD.

在三个精神分析师的指导下,他戴上眼罩,坐在软椅上,服用了迷幻药。Under the supervision of three psychoanalysts, he sat on a mat, put an eyemask on and took LSD.

船坞登陆舰LSD有飞行甲板,通常设在坞舱上方,可供多至5架直升机作业。An LSD also has a flight deck, usually aft over the well-deck, for operating up to five helicopters.

LSD首度声名大嗓,是因为其仅服用极少药量,即可使人产生妄想和精神病的药力。LSD first won fame for its power, in microscopic doses, to induce hallucinations and a psychotic state.

毒品的一种。这种引起人幻觉的毒品看上去就好像一张薄纸片。LSD – An illegal drug. Also known as acid, this hallucinogenic drug most commonly resembles a tab of paper.

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试验采用随机区组设计,并用LSD法进行多重比较。The experimentation was designed in random block design and the LSD was used to put up multiple comparison.

记得CIA过去精神控制试验卷入了LSD和电击治疗试验。Remember that in the past CIA mind control experiments have involved LSD as well as electro-shock treatment.

对人类造成伤害最小的药物是迷幻蘑菇,紧随其后的是丁丙诺菲和迷幻药。The drug considered to pose the least amount of harm was mushrooms, followed closely by buprenorphine and LSD.

当该系统的具体部分是从动物的大脑取出,心态改变像迷幻剂药物没有效果。When specific parts of this system are removed from animal brains, mind-altering drugs like LSD have no effect.

虽然LSD式训练法提高脂肪代谢和耐力,但也会限制你的耐力在马拉松的配速。Although LSD training will increase fat metabolism and endurance, it will limit your endurance at marathon paces.

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LSD以及电击疗法被大量的用在了无提防的市民身上,这仅是这个难以置信的节目的一部分。LSD and electroshock therapy in huge doses given to unsuspecting citizens are only a part of this unbelievable program.

当然,汤普森越过了迷幻剂和猎枪的界线,但一类更守纪律的刀刃作业可能是件好事。Sure, Thompson crossed the line with the LSD and shotguns, but a more disciplined brand of edgework can be a good thing.

如果你的精神健康已经存在潜藏的问题,LSD将有可能带来十分严重的精神反应。If you already have a mental health problem lurking, the LSD can occasionally cause quite severe psychological reactions.