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“联觉性疼痛”绝大部分发生在四肢不健全的人身上。"Synaesthetic pain" occurs mainly in people who have lost a limb.

而言,她的通感单词就同样会暴露装模作样的反应次数。M. , these bumbling reaction times also show up for her synaesthetic words.

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本文研究了通感隐喻这一现象。The thesis studies the phenomenon of synaesthetic metaphors which entail transfers between perceptual domains.

在这三篇短篇小说中,看的动作和小说叙事相结合,形成联觉的审美效果。In these stories, the practice of seeing is combined with narrative composition, thus creating synaesthetic effect.

本文旨在用概念整合理论分析通感隐喻。The thesis aims to interpret the phenomenon of synaesthetic metaphor by using the theory of conceptual integration.

在一次针灸治疗之后,这位活动于纽约的艺术家发现她可以把自己的联觉视觉画出来。The New York-based artist first discovered she could paint her synaesthetic visions after a visit to her acupuncturist.

通过对通感意象语言类型的解构有助于更深入地认知通感意象的多面特性。And the deconstruction of linguistic patterns related to synaesthetic images may facilitate the understanding of synaesthesia from multi-perspectives.

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本文在研究通感的人类生理学共性的基础上,进一步探讨“通感词”的民族文化差异。This paper makes a research into national and cultural differences in synaesthetic words on the basis of the study of the physiological universality in synaesthesia.

此外,组合、完善和扩展作为概念整合理论的三个认知过程也将用于分析通感隐喻的形成过程。Besides, composition, completion, and elaboration as three cognitive processes of conceptual integration theory are also used in the analysis of synaesthetic metaphor.

只需小缀一口,人脑中的味觉体验就能被这套装置捕捉到,并转换成极具个人色彩的艺术作品。A synaesthetic drinking installation aims to broaden minds after just one sip of a cocktail as the experience of taste is translated into individual artworks through the brain.

某些艺术形式,如媒介艺术、视觉诗歌或动态诗歌,也可以被认为是联觉艺术形态,也包括一些与媒介表演、空间和建筑互动的混合艺术形式。Art genres, such as intermedia art, visual or kinetic poetry may also be synaesthetic forms of art, including hybrid art forms that interact with media performance, space and architecture.

通感隐喻的认知基础是在我们的概念系统中感官域之间特征的相似性心理联想。The cognitive basis of synaesthetic metaphors is the psychological associations of similarity between different properties of modals in our conceptual system other than in the linguistic system.