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实验结果表明,460℃退火可获得较低的矫顽力。A low coercivity was obtained for the alloy annealed at 460 ℃.

合金的矫顽力随钴原子含量的增加而增大。The coercivity of the Co-Ni alloys increased with the increasing of Co content.

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有效各向异性与矫顽力的变化规律基本相同。The variation of effective anisotropy was basically the same as that of coercivity.

计算结果表明,随着磁体晶粒易轴取向度的变差,磁体的剩磁、矫顽力均随之下降。The remanence, coercivity and maximum energy product decrease with deteriorated grain alignment.

能满足磁光记录材料矫顽力大,磁光克尔角大的要求。These can satisfy the request of magneto-optical recording media about high coercivity and big kerr rotation.

不同钉扎层所贡献的漏磁场导致自由层有不同的矫顽场及偏压场。Stray field, caused by different pinned layer, results in observantly different bias field and coercivity of free layer.

按照不同的矫顽力机制,晶粒的矫顽力及其角度关系有不同的表达式。There are different expressions on the coercivity and its angular dependence according to the difFerent coercivity mechanisms.

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讨论了铁磁反铁磁双层膜中交换偏置和矫顽场随温度变化的关系。The temperature dependence of exchange bias and coercivity of ferromagnetic layer and antiferromagnetic gain layer is discussed.

目前,根据国家标准或国际标准研制的矫顽力测量仪器主要是针对软磁试样的。At present, most coercivity measurement devices designed by national or international criterion are used for soft magnetic samples.

掺杂后钡铁氧体饱和磁化强度较未掺杂钡铁氧体有所提高,矫顽力则显著下降。In comparison with undoped barium ferrite, saturation magnetization of samples increased and intrinsic coercivity decreased remarkably.

本文对复相纳米永磁的一些基本特征,包括剩磁和矫顽力等的研究现状作了比较深入的分析和讨论。The fundamental characteristics of the latter, including the current research of the remanence and coercivity are analyzed and discussed.

在同成分的磁体中,矫顽力高的磁体具有较低的矫顽力温度系数和不可逆磁通损失。The higher the intrinsic coercivity H cj , the lower the coefficient of the intrinsic coercivity and the lower the irreversible loss of flux.

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金属磁粉颗粒细小,具有较高的矫顽力和剩磁,是较为理想的高密度磁记录材料。Metal magnetic powder with fine particles and relative higher coercivity and remanence are ideal materials for high density magnetic recording.

从起始磁化曲线和小回线的形状特征可知,矫顽力机制主要是由畴壁钉扎控制。The shape and the behavior of the initial loops and the minor loops suggest that wall pinning is the dominant coercivity mechanism in these films.

溶胶凝胶法制备的样品因粒子的粒径稍高于临界尺寸而显示出相对较高的矫顽力。The size of the particles prepared by sol-gel method is little bigger than critical dimension and accordingly these samples have relatively high coercivity.

在二次烧结工艺中矫顽力的下降趋势得到了很好的缓解,而剩磁的提高对磁性能的影响仍然是主导因素。The downtrend of coercivity was well mitigated during the process, and the enhancing of the remanence was still the dominant factor to the magnetic properties.

光磁混合记录是一种采用激光辅助加热磁写入,可以突破铁磁材料超顺磁极限的限制,提高硬盘记录密度的新型高密度磁记录方式。The coercivity of cobalt ferrite thin film is one of the most important properties in applications for high density magnetic recording and magneto-optical recording.

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测试了真空烧结和低压烧结试样的抗弯强度、洛氏硬度、磁饱和度和矫顽磁力。Transverse rupture strength, Rockwell A hardness, magnetic saturation induction and magnetic coercivity of samples sintered in vacuum or by sinter-HIP were measured.

经过热处理后,样品的晶格常数、晶粒尺寸、比饱和磁化强度增加,而矫顽力先增后减。After the heat treatment, the lattice constants, the size and saturation magnetization of the particles increase, and the coercivity first increases and then decreases.

在这些材料中,金属磁性材料由于高饱和磁化强度、高磁导率、高居里温度和低矫顽力而受到重点关注。Among all MAMs, metallic magnetic materials are especially focused on due to high saturation magnetization, high permeability, high Curie temperature and low coercivity.