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我爱有趣的悬疑小说。I love whodunit which is interesting.

侦探小说和其他的记忆问题Whodunit and Other Questions of Memory

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我一直很喜欢卫斯理系列的推理小说。I always like the series "Whodunit" by Wei Sili.

他喜欢坐在火边读侦探小说。He loves sitting by the fire and reading a good whodunit.

阿加莎·克里斯蒂所著的侦探小说当然可谓风格陈旧。The kind of whodunit Agatha Christie wrote is certainly old-fashioned.

勇气,是读侦探小说时不先翻到最后几页,偷看"到是谁水干的".Courage isnot peeking at the last pages of your whodunit book to find out who did it

我是一个活泼的男孩,喜欢打电脑游戏和看书,我喜欢侦探小说和历险纪。I am a lively boy, I like playing computer games and reading books. I like whodunit and explorational books.

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这组成了电影的前三分之一的情节,余下的部分是一部会搞到你脑袋抽筋的暴力侦探小说。That’s about a third of the movie. The rest is a mind-numbingly violent whodunit that will make your frontal lobes twitch.

狄仁杰逐渐意识到维护她的统治对于国家的安宁和福祉重要性,于是他开始了对整个事件进行抽丝剥茧。Realising the gravity of guarding her rule for the peace and well-being of the nation, he embarked on solving the whodunit.

客人们扮演那些经典侦探小说中的嫌疑人,用一个周末的时间来找出他们中的哪一个是“杀人犯”。Guests take on the characters of classic whodunit suspects and spend a weekend trying to find out who among them is the "murderer".

斯诺也是一名有成就的作家,已经出版安东尼·特罗洛普的传记以及几部小说,其中包括一部侦探小说。Snow was an accomplished author as well, having published a biography of Anthony Trollope as well as several novels, including a whodunit.

外国侦探小说与科幻小说在晚清思想文化的近代化进程尤其是崇尚科学、开启民智方面产生巨大的影响。This paper holds that the foreign whodunit and sci-fi exerts a tremendous influence on the evolution of the Chinese thinking and culture, especially on the science and wisdom.