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我觉得她不友好。I felt that she wets unfriendly.

“它太生硬了,”她说,“并且非常不友好。It s so abrupt, she said, and it s very unfriendly.

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该政府以不友好的语言予以拒绝。The government's refusal was couched in unfriendly language.

售货员不友好冷淡的态度常常使顾客生气。An unfriendly attitude of the shop-assistant often annoys customers.

某一国际争端可能是由某种不友好但却是合法的行为引起的。An international dispute may be caused by an unfriendly but legal act.

狄宁必须要确定没有任何不友善的黑暗精灵跟踪他的足迹。Dinin had to be certain that no unfriendly drow eyes marked his passage.

阅览室里所有的人都抬起头,异样地看着我。Everybody in the reading-room looked up from their books at me unfriendly.

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他们父子俩在诺桑觉寺的谈话不客气极了。The conversation between them at Northanger had been of the most unfriendly kind.

我小时候在父亲家度周末时总是感到冷漠和不友善。When I was very little the weekends at my father's house felt cold and unfriendly.

严格说来,迪克对吉姆并不友好,他把吉姆打碎窗子的事情给告发了。Dick was strictly unfriendly to Jim, because he ratted on Jim for breaking the window.

阅览室里所有的人都抬起头,异样地看着我。Go away. ! " Everybody in the reading-room looked up from their books at me unfriendly."

但这并不排除那些易激动的、沮丧的、不友好的、讽刺的、或专横的。But it does rule out those who are over excitable depressed unfriendly sarcastic or bossy.

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这是个非常不友好的城市,犯罪猖獗,到处都是酗酒鬼,市民随地扔垃圾。It is unfriendly , crime-ridden and filled with alcoholics and people who dump trash everywhere.

宣言的遮遮掩掩在网上引起了一些很不友好的反应。The secrecy used to create the Manifesto has generated some unfriendly reactions around the web.

译文@员渭已产撕媚工做讲给罢工收导人听时,他们吓了一跳,因为那记者是没有没有战的。The strike leaders were alarmed when I told them what had happened as the reporter was unfriendly.

在旅行中的每个地方,禁止拍摄任何表现落后或不和谐场面的照片。It was forbidden at any point in the journey to take any pictures of backwards or unfriendly scenes.

在那个夏令营里,我不记得有任何人对我不和善不友好,更没谁欺负我。At summer camp, I don’t remember anyone being unkind or unfriendly to me.No one bullied me there, ever.

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这不仅对最终用户非常不友好,也暴露了应用程序的有关信息。Not only is this incredibly unfriendly to the end user, it also reveals information about the application.

尽管火矮人沉默寡言而且并不友善,但是他们却很少主动挑起战斗除非对手身上拥有大量的财宝。Although unfriendly and taciturn, Azer rarely provoke a fight except to relieve a foe of much-treasured gems.

大家对于雷斯脱自然都要暂时置之不理,于是雷斯脱觉得自己已经遇着一种非常难处的局面了。They were all rather unfriendly to Lester at present, and he realised that he was facing a ticklish situation.