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罗萨里奥说,菲律宾开始失去耐心。The Philippines is getting impatient, Mr. del Rosario said.

现在这名来自罗萨里奥的17岁小伙子已经长到了170cm。Now Rosario from the 17-year-old young man has to 170cm long.

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我曾经有过机会,但是因为财政原因,罗萨里奥中央把我卖到了欧洲俱乐部。I did, but for financial reasons Rosario Central wanted to sell me to a European club.

试试「萝莎瑞欧墨西哥餐馆」里的牧场牛排,你就会觉得这次来德州算是不虚此行!Try the steak ranchero at Rosario 's Mexican Cafe and you'll know you've been to Texas!

“我们的部队正在试图靠近他们并将他们带到安全的地方,”罗萨里奥说。"Our troops aretrying to reach them and bring them to safer ground, " del Rosario said.

对于这个16年前始于阿根廷罗萨里奥的生命来说,这是他人生的一个高峰。It was the culmination of a personal history that began 16 years ago at the Argentinian city of Rosario.

你是怎么从一个本地球队踢球的球员到大俱乐部踢球的,就像罗萨里奥中央?有球探发现你吗?How did you go from playing for your local team to playing for a big club like Rosario? Did a scout spot you?

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打罗萨里奥中央没有打班菲尔德那么容易,不过最终我们还是在这个强硬的对手身上赢得了三分。In Rosario we didn't play as well as against Banfield, but we won on a difficult field against a tough rival.

1月12日,阿根廷大豆价格大幅下跌,其中,罗萨里奥港大豆价格跌至每吨800披索。January 12, Argentina soybean prices fell sharply, which, Rosario soybean prices in Hong Kong fell 800 pesos per ton.

我曾经在一只又左邻右舍组成的球队里踢球,然后我搬到了罗萨里奥中央,当然也是我职业生涯开始的地方。I used to play for the team in my neighborhood and then I moved to Rosario Central which is where my career kicked off.

那还得追溯到1978年世界杯上他们身为东道主在罗萨里奥举行的第二轮最后一场对阵秘鲁的比赛了,当时比分也是6-0。It came in their own tournament in 1978 when they beat Peru 6-0 in Rosario in the final game of the second group stage.

我的父亲把我引向了正确的道路,他告诉我我应该试试看能不能去罗萨里奥中央踢球。My father then gave me a push in the right direction and told me that I should see if I could play for Rosario Central.

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罗萨里奥说,今年3月,在这一海域,一艘中国巡逻舰对一艘菲律宾石油勘探船进行了威胁。In an incident in March, a Chinese patrol boat threatened a Philippine oil-exploration ship in the area, Mr. del Rosario said.

伟大的偶像迭戈马拉多纳在闯荡欧洲和简短停留在罗萨里奥13年后,回到了蓝黄军团。The great idol Diego Maradona had come back to don the blue and gold jersey after 13 years in Europe and a brief stint in Rosario.

罗萨里奥说菲律宾有可能把和中国的纷争送交联合国的国际海洋法庭。Del Rosario said the Philippines will likely take its dispute with China to the United Nations' International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.

警方与罗萨里奥简单交谈后得知,他喝醉了,夫妻俩住进旅馆后不久,他就睡着了。The police learned through a brief interview with Del Rosario that right after he and Radina checked into the motel, he fell asleep because he was drunk.

“政客们用声音作为强有力的手段来展现个人魅力。”该项目的研究人员罗萨里奥?希诺纳雷洛在近期的发布会上说。"Politicians use voice as a very powerful behavior to convey theircharisma, " Rosario Signorello, one of the researchers behind thework, said at a recent briefing.

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在南美,马斯切拉诺的阿根廷在罗萨里奥1比3输给巴西,利物浦中场卢卡斯没有入选到巴西的比赛大名单中。In South America, Javier Mascherano captained Argentina in a 3-1 defeat to Brazil in Rosario. Reds' midfielder Lucas Leiva was an unused substitute for the Brazilians.

阿根廷队员当时必须竭尽全力以便胜过这些西非球员,这位前罗萨里奥中央队的球员认为现在他们将在埃利斯公园的每一个位置与对方展开竞争。Argentina had to fight hard to edge the west Africans on that occasion, and the former Rosario Central man believes they will be every bit as competitive at Ellis Park.

在一场新闻发布会上,菲律宾外交部长德尔罗萨里奥以及国防部长伏尔泰加兹明介绍了将要与美方进行会谈的菲方谈判代表。At a news conference, Foreign SecretaryAlbert del Rosario and Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin presented the Philippines'negotiators, who will meet with the Americans.