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而进行该研究的小组只观察了防止鼻病毒的效果。The team that did this particular study only looked at a rhinovirus.

但其中只有一小部分最终携带多个鼻病毒株。But ultimately only a small fraction carried multiple strains of rhinovirus.

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但是他们又发现了一种类似的用于对抗鼻病毒的药物,这种病毒是诱发普通感冒的另一个原因。But they found a similar drug being tested against a rhinovirus -- another cause of the common cold.

他们随后被隔离,在指导下服用含有感冒病毒的鼻病毒。They were then quarantined and administered nasal drops containing the common-cold-causing rhinovirus.

然而,系统筛查鼻病毒可以改变我们的认识并重新反思这个说法。However, systematic screening for rhinovirus could change perceptions and lead us to revisit this dogma.

这个研究的结果将展开一个关于鼻病毒是如何影响哮喘和慢阻肺的一系列研究。The results of this study will open new lines of investigation into how rhinovirus impacts asthma and COPD.

在这些人的鼻中滴入会引发普通感冒的两种鼻病毒中的一种。The volunteers were given nasal drops containing one of two types of rhinovirus which causes the common cold.

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虽然如此,通过利用各种鼻病毒之间隐藏着的共同点,针对鼻病毒的某种防御机制仍可获得成功。A defense against rhinoviruses might nonetheless succeed by exploiting hidden similarities among the rhinovirus strains.

从家系树上可以看出,鼻病毒基因组的某些区域一直在改变而其他区域则不变。That family tree shows that some regions of the rhinovirus genome are changing all the time but that others never change.

他们接着通过比较基因序列以及每一种病毒的不同物理特征而制作了一个鼻病毒的系谱图。They then created a rhinovirus family tree by comparing the sequences, as well as various physical features of each virus.

这是第一次来研究当鼻病毒感染人体时究竟发生了什么事。This is the first time anyone has conducted a comprehensive assessment of what happens when a rhinovirus infects a person.

幼童的鼻病毒感染频率显示其在ARI住院的关系被低估了。The frequency of rhinovirus detection in young children suggests that it has an underappreciated role in ARI hospitalizations.

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研究人员已经对所有99种已知鼻病毒的基因组完成了排序。不过这个事实并不能对我发痛的鼻子带来什么帮助。The fact that researchers have sequenced the genomes of all 99 strains of the human rhinovirus is cold comfort for my raw nose.

鼻病毒感染也是引起哮喘和COPD急性发作的主要原因,因此,对医疗体系造成巨大影响。Rhinovirus infections are also a major cause of acute attacks of asthma and COPD and, therefore, exert a huge impact on health care costs.

罗斯曼表明,蛋白质序列共同所有鼻病毒株谎言的基础上了深刻的“峡谷”得分每个面对衣壳。Rossman showed that protein sequences common to all rhinovirus strains lie at the base of a deep "canyon" scoring each face of the capsid.

研究对象然后列出了他们所接触过的所有物品清单,Hendley的研究组擦拭了清单上的10个物品的表面,并进行鼻病毒RNA测试。The subjects then made a list of all of the objects they had touched, and Hendley's group swabbed 10 sites on the list and tested for rhinovirus RNA.

目的人鼻病毒3C蛋白酶具有酶切物异性强且在低温下仍保持较强酶活性的特点而被用作工具酶。Objective Application of human rhinovirus 14 3C protease as a tool-enzyme for more stringent sequence specificity and efficient cleavage at low temperature.

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鼻病毒感染也和三分之一的孩童急性中耳炎、及导致学龄儿童气喘恶化有关。Rhinovirus infection also accompanies one third of cases of acute otitis media in children and is a frequent cause of asthma exacerbations in school-aged children.

这个发表在美国呼吸和危重病学杂志上的研究,是第一个综述了鼻病毒基因改变的研究。The research, published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, is the first study to comprehensively review gene changes in rhinovirus.

Liggett说他相信这样的靶点位于鼻病毒基因组的起始处,在那里它的遗传物质被折叠成三叶草的形状。Dr. Liggett said he believed that one such target lies at the very beginning of the rhinovirus genome, where its genetic material is folded into a clover-leaf shape.