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林俊杰是我的偶像。JJ Lam is my idol.

我是林俊杰的粉丝。I'm a fan of JJ Lam.

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林振强的歌词真是一绝!One of funny song by Lam.

林峰想要休息了!Raymond Lam wants a break!

林子祥是他的最爱。George Lam was his favourite.

林峯在韩国记者会�…Raymond Lam Speaks English in Korea.

沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟。Time tear on Pearl Lam Tin On Zhao smoke.

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宝琳和席非走在白色教堂里。Po Lam and I walk in the non-white church.

乘客可以转乘往坑口或宝琳列车。Interchange station for Hang Hau or Po Lam.

还有很多像阿雪和阿南这样的家庭。There are many families like Tuyet and Lam.

我不在的时间,请帮我查看我的收文篮。When lam away, please help to check my in-tray.

铁刀木中一个新的色酮苷。A new chromone glycoside from Cassia siamea lam.

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每一个玛丽到的地方,那只羊也一定会去。Everywhere that Mary went, the lam was sure to go.

只有大榄涌比赛提供来回专车接送。Return transport available for Tai Lam Chung race.

书籍乃积累智慧之不灭明灯。Books are the ever-burning lam of accumulated wisdom.

有兴趣参加小组者请与林荣生弟兄或梅牧师联络。Please contact Johnson Lam or Pastor Moy for details.

1991年获选为「亚洲协会」风云人物。In 1991, Lam was named "Asia Society Man of the Year".

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这是我特别演说video,关于我偶像,林峯。This is my special occasion speech on my idol, Raymond Lam.

位于沿臨丰街及常怡道的地面。It is at ground level along Lam Fung Street and Sheung Yee Road.

起点及终点在大榄女惩教所对上的主坝上。Start and finish on the main dam above Tai Lam Centre for Women.