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这是阳痿的隐喻。It's an impotence metaphor.

所以我比较喜欢这样的树的比喻。So I like this tree metaphor here.

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不过“云”的比喻似乎更合适。The cloud metaphor seems more apt.

这个比喻很贴切。This metaphor is very appropriate.

你不懂什么是暗喻。You don't know what a metaphor is.

这个隐喻的含义是什么?What is the meaning of this metaphor?

隐喻是英语中一种常用的修辞手法。Metaphor is one of the rhetoric devices.

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这是用众所周知的隐喻来表达的。It is expressed in a well-known metaphor.

这个隐喻扩展到化学的所有领域。The metaphor extends to all of chemistry.

IBM的比喻演化成一个事后产生的想法。IBM metaphor into more than an afterthought.

我那是连比喻句都一窍不通。I was even metaphor sentences are all thumbs.

这是圣经提供的第二个人生比喻。This is the second biblical metaphor of life.

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电击器可以被理解成某种比喻。Defibrillators can be understood as a metaphor.

来个草堆比喻好了。Plus, you toss in the famous haystack metaphor.

诗歌中常用玫瑰花来隐喻爱情。In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love.

让我们把各种隐喻分类。Let us distinguish the various types of metaphor.

在我的印象中旋转是形状的象征。The auger remains in my mind as metaphor of form.

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这段文字采用了比兴的手法。This paragraph employs both metaphor and analogy.

例如,你可以…,利用隐喻的力量。You can, for instance, use the power of metaphor.

对于比尔格罗斯来说,整个世界都是个灰暗的隐喻。For Bill Gross, all the world’s a gloomy metaphor.