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他渴望她的爱。He hungered for her love.

他渴望获取知识。He hungered for knowledge.

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那个守财奴渴望得到金子。The miser hungered for gold.

我渴望着你的爱。I’ve hungered for your touch.

孩子渴望赞同。The child hungered for approval.

尽管如此,他渴望冒险。Still, he hungered for adventure.

但我一直以来只渴求一份真爱。But I've only hungered for a true love.

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这个孩子渴望得到一快面包。The child hungered for a piece of bread.

我的爱情,我都想象和你触动了很长的时间。I have hungered for you touch a long time.

现在它又冒了出来。我渴望看书。Now it surged up again and I hungered for books.

我的爱情,我都想象和你触动了很长的时间。My love, I have hungered for you touch a long time.

我的爱人,亲爱的,我渴望你的触摸。Oh, my love my darling, I've hungered for your touch.

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他渴望得到老战友的来信。He hungered for letters from his old comrades-in-arms.

早晨回城的时候,他饿了。Now in the morning as he returned into the city, he hungered.

这就是当时他们所期盼的,也是她作为一个总统所传达出来的。It was what they hungered for, and what she delivered as president.

但朱尔斯对坐在课堂里学习并不热心,他渴望冒险。But Jules was not eager for classroom learning, he hungered for adventure.

但朱尔斯对坐在课堂里学习并不热心,他渴望冒险。But Jules was not eager for classroom learning, he hungered for adventure.

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奔放的旋律哦,我的爱人,亲爱的,我渴望你的抚摸,我已寂寞好久。Melody Oh, my love my darling, I've hungered for your touch A long lonely time.

这些乡村生活的描绘正是那些来自乡村的人们所渴望的。The portrait of country life represented what those from the countryside hungered for.

杜威先生渴望有一杯热咖啡,而杜威夫人渴望有一个晴天。Mr. Dewey hungered after a cup of hot coffee and Mrs. Dewey had a hunger for a sunny day.