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你想的可真周到,艾姆斯。You thought of everything, Ames.

而且,艾姆斯市是招徕自己支持者投票的地方。Moreover, Ames is a bring-your-own-voters affair.

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“你是土生土长的纽约人吗?”艾姆斯问嘉莉。"Are you a born New Yorker?" asked Ames of Carrie.

年轻的艾姆斯托着嘉莉的胳膊,扶她上了台阶。Young Ames held Carrie's elbow as he helped her up the steps.

在他的晚年,詹姆斯。赫里奥特写了很多有关他的经历。Later in his life, ames Herriot wrote a lot of about his experience.

这是我见过的最大的一串宝石,“艾姆斯说。"One of the largest clusters of jewels I have ever seen, " said Ames.

可是埃姆说话的态度并没有讥讽或傲慢狂妄的气味。Yet there was nothing sarcastic or supercilious in the way Ames spoke.

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2004年,他还担任了美国爱荷华州立大学机械科学与工程专业以及爱姆斯国家实验室的教授。As of 2004 he is also a Professor at MSE and Ames Lab, Iowa State University.

同时,复合材料的生理盐水浸取液不引起鼠伤寒沙门氏菌回复突变数增加。The material does not increase the number of reversion mutation in Ames test.

艾姆斯正出神地望着餐厅里的人群,这样嘉莉看到的是他的侧面,很有趣。Ames was looking away rather abstractedly at the crowd and showed an interesting profile to Carrie.

埃姆斯在高中时就在该部门打零工,大学毕业后,成为这里的正式员工。Ames worked odd jobs at the agency while in high school, and after college, he signed on full time.

埃姆斯研究中心负责地面系统规划、任务运作和科学数据分析。Ames is responsible for the ground system development, mission operations and science data analysis.

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埃姆斯模拟投票在没有现任总统竞选连任的情况下举行,这种做法是从1979年开始的。The Ames Straw Poll, held when there is no Republican incumbent running for president, dates back to 1979.

“这就是科学技术的魅力”NASA艾姆斯研究中心的太空生物学者奥兰多·桑托斯说,“我们可以得到同样科学功能的同时把那些东西做到很小。”That?s the beauty of this technology,? says Orlando Santos, an astrobiologist at NASA Ames Research Center.

这项活动是为了奖励那些可以现场表演,给人真实感的歌手,"埃姆斯说。""This campaign is to reward performers who have the talent to perform live and give it a human edge," Ames said.

恩慈经历了一次昂贵的离婚和一个缺少持家能力的第二任妻子,他便感到累得精疲力尽。After an expensive divorce and marriage to a second wife with no ability to budget, Ames found himself maxed out.

束能概念是在二十世纪七十年代末,由NASA艾姆斯研究中心和加州理工学院提出的。Beam energy was dreamt up in the late 1970s by NASA Ames Research Center and the California Institute of Technology.

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他害怕卷入一件如此“肮脏”的事中,所以,他告知帕默,他将会与帕默的竞选活动划清界线。Scared of becoming involved in something so scandalous, Ames tells Palmer he is disavowing himself from the campaign.

对宁波姚江原水及梅林水厂各净水工艺出水进行了致突变性研究。Ames tests were used to detect the mutagenicity of water samples fron Yao River and Meiling Water Plant in Ningbo City.

艾姆斯知道了针对基思的指控是由基思的心理医生乔治.菲拉格慕的证词引发的。Ames has learned of the accusations against Keith triggered by the confessions of Keith’s therapist Dr. George Ferragamo.