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百花怒放。Hundreds of flowers are blooming in profusion.

春天许许多多的叶子从树上冒出来。A profusion of leaves bursts out on trees in the springtime.

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毛质、丰富程度应该比长度更受重视。Quality, texture and profusion to be considered above mere length.

斯图尔特•散丁是研究人员之一,他认为这么巨大的数量是一个谜。For Stuart Sandin, one of the researchers, the profusion was a puzzle.

墓地里满是桌形墓穴,墓碑,和纪念堂。The cemetery hosted a profusion of table tombs, headstones, and memorials.

缤纷色彩,为青少年丰富的想象插上了翅膀。Profusion colour, for adolescent rich imagination is inserted went up wing.

一种长著蕨叶的树,像是矮小的椰子树,到处可见。A splendid variety of tree-fern, like a dwarf palm, grew in great profusion.

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但是我自己却不再感到我急中生智的能力还是那般的无限丰富了。But I no longer feel in myself the same unbounded profusion of ready contrivance.

花园,凉亭,喷泉围绕的场地以及纳凉处,应有尽有。and in the grounds around gardens, bowers, fountains and shady nooks in profusion.

丰富的野生动物使得卢安瓜河谷成为人类难以涉足的危险地区。The profusion of wildlife has made the Luangwa Valley a dangerous place for humans.

这个世界本来就应该这样醇香弥漫、缤纷多彩。This world originally should be like this fragrance diffuses, profusion is colorful.

纵观整个居室,缤纷色彩肆意跃动,和谐而不零乱。Review whole bedroom, profusion colour is wanton jump move, harmonious and not messy.

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为了庆祝她那些放浪形骸的女儿们的归来,大自然铺开大片大片的花海。To celebrate the return of her prodigal daughters Nature has laid out a profusion of flowers.

球根花卉种类丰富、适应性强、栽培便利,在切花、盆花生产及花坛、花境等园林应用中占有重要地位。Flower bulbs have a profusion of varieties and good adaptability, and are easy to be cultured.

亲爱的,霞光四射,光明散映成金,它洒下大量的珠宝。The light is shattered into gold on every cloud, my darling, and it scatters gams in profusion.

牧场充足的花草给当地山民年度最重要的收成之一提供了保障。The profusion of meadow flowers provides the local hill people with one of their treasured harvests.

深红色的火腿、蒸鸭、肥鹅肚酱,各种罕见的应时和不应时的水果,满满地摆了一桌子。Hams in wine pressed duck pate de foie gras rare fruits in and out of season were spread in profusion.

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东印度的一种乔木,花多且密集,丝绒质地,呈朱红色,可产一种黄色染料。East Indian tree bearing a profusion of intense vermilion velvet-textured blooms and yielding a yellow dye.

尤其令人惊叹的是这里竟然生长着500余亩郁郁葱葱的竹子。Particularly impressive is the growth here has more than 500 acres of a wild profusion of vegetation bamboo.

目的探讨尘肺诊断标准中小阴影密集度的应用价值。Objective To study the application value of the small opacity profusion in pneumoconiosis diagnosis criterion.