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他喜欢吃凉菜。He likes cold dishes.

别搞那么多菜了。Don't make so many dishes.

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好的,我现在可以洗碗了。OkI can do the dishes now.

饭菜喷香。The dishes smell delicious.

我一定要洗碗吗?Dol have to wash the dishes?

我已经把那些细瓷盆子拿出来了。I've put out the nut dishes.

我得洗盘子吗?Do I have to wash the dishes?

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我会带我的拿手菜。I'll bring my special dishes.

碟子哗啦一声掉下去。The dishes fell with a smash.

这些菜都是湖南口味。These are all Hunanese dishes.

这里的地方菜是什么?。What is the local dishes here?

而且都是最有特色的菜名。And names of all special dishes.

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这些菜看起来真诱人。The dishes really look inviting.

你介意把音乐调小点声吗?Would you mind doing the dishes?

把所有盘子用报纸包好。Fold all the dishes in newspaper.

我真迷上这些菜。I am really sold on these dishes.

把碗盘放在洗碗机里。Put the dishes in the dishwasher.

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那些脏盘子在洗涤槽内。The dirty dishes are in the sink.

你看。盘子都包好了。There you are. Dishes all packed.

家禽类的菜有哪些?What poultry dishes do you serve?