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芒戈赢得比赛,获得温布人民的钦佩。Mungo won the competition, securing the admiration of the Umboo people.

此时,成吉思汗已死,窝阔台、蒙哥、忽必烈先后继任大汗。At this point, Genghis Khan is dead, Wokuo Tai, Mungo , Khan has profusely successor.

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芒戈和他的机器人紧随其后,成功窃得鲁兹的解药,救出约姆父女。Mungo and the droids followed, and managed to steal the rooze cure and free the Yomms.

此时,成吉思汗已死,窝阔台、蒙哥、忽必烈先后继任大汗。At this time, Genghis Khan is dead, Wokuo Tai, Mungo , Kublai Khan has succeeded sweat.

但这些计划经常被商人芒戈·贝欧巴及其机器人R2-D2和C-3PO破坏。Such schemes were often challenged by trader Mungo Baobab and his droids R2-D2 and C-3PO.

在R2和3PO的帮助下,芒戈驾驶他的星际飞船“轻快帆船号”进入西斯之篷。With the help of Artoo and Threepio, Mungo piloted his starship, the Caravel, into the Cloak of the Sith.

芒戈翻遍家族档案,把线索和蛛丝马迹拼凑成一张通往鲁恩星系的星图。Mungo scoured his family's archives, compiling clues and leads to piece together a map to the Roon system.

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在我们谈话的时候,一组圣芒戈魔法伤病医院的治疗师正在给他做检查。A team of Healers from St. Mungo 's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries are examining him as we speak.

我们现在正在协商将他送到圣芒戈魔法医院。We are currently making arrangements to have him transferred to St. Mungo 's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

他要芒戈继续寻找,但告诫芒戈不要把财富置于友谊之上。He asked Mungo to continue the quest, but prophetically warned not to place lust for wealth before of the value of friendship.

芒戈·贝欧巴及其机器人R2-D2和C-3PO成功摧毁大希普,阻止了帝国对比图的蹂躏。The efforts of Mungo Baobab and his droids R2-D2 and C-3PO destroyed the Great Heep and stopped the Imperial ravaging of Biitu.

有一次,孔回收了商人芒戈·贝欧巴的“轻快帆船号”。他误以为眼前这个衣着体面的男人就是帝国特使。When he salvaged the Caravel, a ship belonging to trader Mungo Baobab, Koong mistook the sharply dressed man as an envoy of the Empire.

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当时,家族年轻的继承人芒戈·贝欧巴似乎看不清大形势,因为他总是被不负责任的事情分散注意力。At the time, the young heir to the dynasty, Mungo Baobab, seemed incapable of seeing the bigger picture, as his attentions were scattered by irresponsibility.

从唐克斯和蒙顿格斯•弗莱奇到圣芒戈医院和邓布利多军队,要编辑和建立这些包罗万象的网页,是一项耗时漫长的巨大工程。It's going to take a long, long time to edit what's there and create new pages for everything from Tonks and Mundungus Fletcher to St. Mungo 's and Dumbledore's Army.

因此,不同于地球上的其他以知人类或出土的木乃伊,蒙戈人不属于二十万年离开非洲的人类。Consequently, unlike every other known person on the planet, or unearthed skeleton, Mungo man can not be traced to humans that left Africa any time in the last 200, 000 years.