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那车道召唤她。The driveway called her.

这辆车在行车道上停着。The car idled in the driveway.

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汽车驶离了车道。The car pulled out of the driveway.

你能把车倒到车道上吗?Could you just back onto the driveway?

塑料地毯遮住了坑坑洼洼的车道。The plastic rug hides a bumpy driveway.

永远不要在私人车道按喇叭。Never honk the car horn in the driveway.

自动门门控车道开门。Gated driveway with automatic gate opener.

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爸爸把车开进车道,我们下了车。Dad pulled into the driveway and we got out.

大转折车道加右停车空间!Large turnaround driveway PLUS RV parking space!

一条两边栽满棕榈树的道路通向游乐园。A long palm tree-lined driveway leads to the park.

汽车路从房子延伸至公路。The driveway extends from the house to the highway.

车道被一株大柏树掩蔽着。The driveway was sheltered by a large cypress tree.

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我开车出了门,要到一英里以外的镇上去。I was leaving my driveway to drive one mile to town.

你看,运家具的大卡车正在往他们家的车道上倒车呢。Look, the moving van is backing into their driveway.

把车停在车道上,要开时便可以直接通到马路。Park the car in the driveway so it's off the street.

但她把脸扭了过去,朝窗外车道看去。But she looked away. Out the window, at the driveway.

如果把卡车听在这儿,会妨碍交通的。If the truck parks there, it will block the driveway.

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卡车把两卡车砾石倾倒在车道口。The truck dumped two loads of gravel on the driveway.

迈克将车开出车道时一下子抬起车的前轮。Mike popped a wheelie as he drove out of the driveway.

接着,你会看到一辆长相普通的汽车停在车道上。Next, you see a normal-looking car stop in a driveway.