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本文对雷暴云的起电机制进行了研究。The mechanism of thundercloud electrification is studied.

本文作者提出了一个新的油流带电模型。A new model for oil flow electrification is proposed in this paper.

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除了所有的大肆宣传,电气化的好处无疑已经得到了证明。All hype aside, electrification certainly proved to be a good idea.

京承铁路、京秦电气化铁路在通州城内交会。Beijing for railways, electrification of the railway in Beijing Qin Tong state city Trade Fair.

扼流变压器是电化区段构成轨道电路的主要设备之一。Impedance transformer is one kind of main equipment of track circuit in electrification district.

对紊流条件下输油管道内油流静电带电的计算进行了研究。The computation of streaming electrification in turbulent oil pipe flow is studied in this paper.

先进的生物燃料和电力汽车将使得我们如何建立高效率团队不再那么依赖外国的石油。Advanced bio-fuels and the electrification of personal vehicles make us le dependent on foreign oil.

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先进的生物燃料和私家车的电气化将使得我们不再过分依赖外国的石油。Advanced bio-fuels and the electrification of personal vehicles make us less dependent on foreign oil.

我们正在讨论有关道路建设,铁路电气化,在明斯克的地产工程以及建立白中工业园的事宜。We are talking about the road reconstruction. We are talking about the electrification of the railways.

雾雪天气造成电力机车车顶绝缘子闪络的问题越来越严重,已影响了电气化铁道的安全运营。The fog and snow weather damage to the safety in railway electrification operation more and more severely.

零线带电现象是指测量点处,零线与大地之间存在较明显的电位差。The electrification of zero line results from the the potential difference between zero line and the earth.

此外,需要加强油务监督工作来监测变压器的油流带电问题。In addition, strengthen oil supervision and management can also decrease the trend of oil-low electrification.

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农村能源机构已经为来自不同开发商的十七个电网内外的项目提供了资金支持。REA has funded seventeen on and off-grid electrification projects that have been initiated by diverse developers.

而且油流带电电荷密度与介质损耗因数和电导率有一定的相关性。And the charge density of oil streaming electrification is related to the dielectric loss factor and conductivity.

一旦世界银行提供的电化系统,开始启用,他们计画一小时可以制作至少两百个砖块。Once a World Bank-funded electrification program is put into place, they aim to produce at least 200 bricks per hour.

铁路的电气化和高速化是目前世界铁路运输发展的趋势。Railroad's electrification and the high speed are the tendencies which the present world railway transportation develops.

一九七三年九广铁路展开现代化计划,包括铺设双轨和进行铁路电气化。The year 1973 saw the start of a modernisation programme , including the double tracking and electrification of the railway.

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本文讨论了电气化铁道牵引回流对轨道电路干扰的测试力法。This paper discusses the analysis method on measuring and testing the railway electrification interference to track circuits.

现在中国铁路电气化局的一名官员终于肯承认高铁降速是出于安全性考虑。But now an official at China's Railway Electrification Bureau admits the slowdown was based on concerns over safety after all.

第二次浪潮出现在二十世纪二十年代,当时电气化改变了制造业,现代消费经济开始一统天下。The second wave came in the twenties, as electrification transformed manufacturing, and the modern consumer economy took hold.