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公司董事会也暂停了汪利娟的董事长职务。The board of directors also suspended her job as its chairwoman.

洪伟,哈尔滨创新教育集团董事长。Hong Wei is the chairwoman of ChuangXin Education Group of Harbin City.

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美联储主席珍妮特·耶伦表示,‘我们正在变得更好,我们正在改善。Fed chairwoman Janet Yellen said, 'We're getting better, we're improving.

伊丽莎白CHELLIAH是亚太经合组织贸易和投资委员会的主席。Elizabeth Chelliah is chairwoman of APEC's committee for trade and investment.

1915年1月,她被选举为新成立的妇女和平党主席。In January 1915 she was elected chairwoman of the newly formed Woman’s Peace Party.

辛迪盖洛普公寓是一家广告公司大师谁曾是广告业巨头BBH公司董事长。Cindy Gallop is an ad agency guru who used to be chairwoman of advertising giant BBH.

民进党主席蔡英文说,民进党人会一直尾随陈云林。The DPP's chairwoman , Tsai Ing-wen, says her party will dog Mr Chen wherever he goes.

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现年55岁的韩相浩将和现代集团总裁玄贞恩一起担任CEO。Han, 55, will be serving as CEO alongside Hyun Jeong-eun, the Hyundai Group chairwoman.

小公主表达了保留米兰的强烈愿望,而大公主力主卖掉米兰变现。Barbara has expressed desire to keep Milan while Fininvest chairwoman wants to sell the club.

乔伊斯先是成为县党部的财务主管,后来升任女主席,1972年和1980年为泰迪组织参加竞选。She served as county Party treasurer and later chairwoman and organized for Teddy in 1972 and 1980.

香港摩根大通银行的中国证券市场部总监李晶说Jing Ulrich is chairwoman of China equities and commodities at the investment bank JP Morgan in Hong Kong.

金惠董事长赵慧琴也毕业于一所军事院校——哈尔滨工程大学。Zhao Huiqin, chairwoman of the board of Jinhui, also graduated from a Military Engineering Collage in Harbin.

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克罗布彻是参议院商务委员会负责竞争、创新和推动出口小组委员会的主席。Klobuchar is Chairwoman of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Competitiveness, Innovation, and Export Promotion.

卫斯理安大学电影研究部的主席珍宁•贝辛格,将之称为“保罗•穆尼困扰”。Jeanine Basinger, chairwoman of the film studies department at Wesleyan University, calls this “the Paul Muni problem.”

在大连,作为绿诺科技的女主席和总裁夫人的邱女士,说这仅仅是公司的照常营业。In Dalian, Ms. Qiu, Rino’s chairwoman and the wife of its C.E.O., says only that it is business as usual at the company.

尊敬的耿莹会长,龙宇翔主席,张宗银副主席,苏士澍社长Respected Chairwoman Mme. Gen Ying, Chairman Mr. Long Yuxiang, Vice Chairman Mr. Zhang Zongying, President Mr. Su Shishu

在大连,作为绿诺科技的女主席和总裁夫人的邱女士,说这仅仅是公司的照常营业。In Dalian, Ms. Qiu, Rino's chairwoman and the wife of its C. E. O. , says only that it is business as usual at the company.

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市妇联主席胡利群亲自来到讲座现场,向残疾妇女们送上节日的问候和关怀。Ms. Hu Liqun, the chairwoman of Shenzhen Women Federation attended the activity in person to offer greetings and blessings.

Beiler说,注意到低迷时期伤害了博物馆和历史社会的雇主。Beiler, chairwoman of the history department, noting that the downturn hurt employers like museums and historical societies.

没有子女又结婚了两次,这位基督教民主联盟主席,总是表现得矜持和低调。Childless and twice married, the chairwoman of the Christian Democratic Union often comes off as reserved and self-effacing.