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衷心祝福远方的父母和朋友!Blessing in distant place parents and friends inly.

哦,我真不该说这些给你,我真该住嘴了。Oh, if inly I hadn't said that, if only I had held my tongue.

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本文主要采用语言事实描写的方法和结构分析方法。This paper is ma inly used the methods of language describes and structure analysis.

后者必须只包括简单指令,除非有更充足的理由使其有复杂指令。The latter must include inly simple instruction unless there is a good reason for complexity.

黑色金属、硬质非金属、木材、人造板等。Ma inly used for sanding the products such as black metals , nonmetals materials, wood and man-made board.

前中期时,核仁残体附着在染色体上,其电子密度低于染色体。In prometaphase, the NR, composed ma- inly of the similar granules and fibrils, was found attached to chromosomes.

本文主要采用文献法和归纳总结的方法,研究在中学地理教学中进行审美教育。This paper discusses the aesthetic education in geography teaching, ma inly based on literature method and summarization.

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迄今为止,西班牙和爱尔兰两国对其建筑行业进行了大规模裁员,导致失业率快速上升。So far, joblessness has risen a lot ma inly in Spa in and Ireland, because of their large layoffs in the construction industry.

微生物是一群以分解代谢为主的重要生物类群,其生物学多样性十分丰富。Microorganisms are an important group of organism ma inly performing catabolic metabolism, which display extreme abundance in biodiversity.

结论三尖瓣关闭不全是右心室功能不全及肺血管明显病变的结果。Conclusion TI resulted ma inly from insufficient function of the right ventricle and marked pathological changes of the pulmonary blood vessels.

人的一生当中会遇到很多对你来说很重要的人和时间,但是最遗憾的是你没有把握住这些对你来说很重要的人和时间。A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, inly to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.