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太松了,会让你看起来显得邋遢。Too loose, you just look sloppy.

邋遢的人生活在不真实的理想世界里。Sloppy people live in Never-Never Land.

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没有人看得清他的笔迹。No one can decipher his sloppy handwriting.

过度打扮以及显得邋遢都不好。One can overdress as well as appear sloppy.

漂亮、随意、合身、整洁的衣服效果会很不错。What works well is smart-casual but not sloppy.

它们看起来很引人注意,但从审美和句法角度来讲却是马马虎虎。Grammatically and aesthetically it can look sloppy.

我试着做了并且戏称这种配方为“草率的沙丁鱼”。I did it and got something called "Sloppy Sardines.

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过程新闻并不意味着敷衍了事Process Journalism Should Not Mean Sloppy Reporting

整洁的人比邋遢的人懒得多。Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people.

怎么解决这个问题呢?我管我的方法叫“粗打草稿细修改”。What's the solution? Call it 'The Sloppy First Draft'.

在与女士见面的时候,草率意味着出局。When meeting women, being sloppy means getting shot down.

如果是那样,我建议把这个游戏命名为粗心的卡萨诺瓦。In that case, I recommend naming the game Sloppy Casanova.

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如果是这样,我还建议这个游戏可以叫做粗心的卡萨诺瓦老人。In that case, I recommend naming the game Sloppy Casanova.

粗枝大叶的工作计划会浪费教师宝贵的教学时间。Sloppy routines rob teachers of precious instruction time.

天一直在下雪,雪又一直在融化,街上泥泞不堪。It had been snowing and thawing and the streets were sloppy.

历史本可能给她父亲一个更草率的拥抱。Just once, history could have given her father a sloppy hug.

整洁的卷面可能比较差的要获得更高的分数。Neat papers are likely to get higher grades than sloppy ones.

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对于这个庸俗伤感的吻,还有谁能找到更好借口吗?Has anyone else ever found a better pretext for a sloppy snog?

因为所有这些高贵之处,邋遢的人从来就没有整洁过。For all these noble reasons and more, sloppy people never get neat.

我们只有雷霆,只有闪电,只有风暴,我们没有拖泥带水的雨!We only have thunder, lightning and storm. We don't have sloppy rain.