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我对你的厚颜无耻感到惊奇。I admire your audacity.

他的大胆放肆使我十分惊讶。He amazes me by his audacity.

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跳伞既需要技术,又需要勇气。Sky-diving takes both audacity and skill.

这就是他们竭尽全力所希望达到的厚颜无耻之境界。That’s the audacity of hope at full stretch.

而是经过慎重的深思熟虑。Yours is a prudent, well-considered audacity.

他自己也听得一呆,对自己的莽撞劲儿有点吃惊。He heard it numbly, a little amazed at his audacity.

这些胆大包天的斯堪的纳维亚人就不知道个“度”吗?IS THERE any limit to the audacity of Scandinavians?

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这婊子仍然厚颜无耻地出现在电视上!This bitch still has the audacity to appear on television!

尽管未被邀请,他也敢厚颜地去参加宴会。He had the audacity to go to the party without being invited.

是哪个小坏蛋竟有狗胆来动我孩子的玩具?That wretch has had the audacity to touch my children's doll.

这些输了的成年人还有脸抱怨?And those grownup who lose to a kid have the audacity to complaint?

2006年10月,奥巴马出版了一本名为“大胆希望”的书籍。In October 2006, Obama's book "The Audacity of Hope" was published.

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一个自由、开放的数字音频编辑器。Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds.

他在他的博客“厚颜无耻的Pope”中记录了自己的抗癌经历。He writes the blog The Audacity of Pope, about his experience with cancer.

他的腼腆与他平时使她着迷的肆无忌惮的快活劲儿形成鲜明的对比。The bashfulness contrasting with his usual happy audacity had charmed her.

她们长大后有技能又顺从,却会因缺乏无畏精神而成不了大器。They’ll grow up skilled and compliant but without the audacity to be great.

伟大的军事领袖无不胆识过人。Never forget that no military leader has ever become great without audacity.

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今天是皮亚杰的胆略和创造力燕鸥无可争议的参考。Today Piaget is an undisputed reference in terns of audacity and creativity.

更多人则被哈里斯-摩尔的惊人胆量所折服。Many more fans have gravitated to Harris-Moore simply because of his audacity.

在市领导的眼里,这都是达拉斯所具有的自信与果敢的缩影。To city leaders, all this epitomises the confidence and audacity of the place.