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布达佩斯位于河的两旁。Budapest lies astride the river.

布达佩斯〔匈牙利首都〕自1997年开始就举行“自豪大游行”。Budapest has held Pride marches since 1997.

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布达佩斯如下位置73和77卢布尔雅那。Budapest follows in position 73 and Ljubljana in 77.

科内尔·弗里德曼于1918年4月14日出生于布达佩斯。Kornel Friedmann was born April 14, 1918, in Budapest.

今天早晨多梅回到布达佩斯。This morning Stefano Domenicali came back to Budapest.

欢迎光临格雷舍姆宫布达佩斯四季酒店。Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace Budapest.

最后,我终于到达了匈牙利,距离布达佩斯还有40英里。At last, I had reached Hungary, and Budapest lay just 40 miles away.

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现在世界上每天都有几十个城市——多伦多,波尔多,布达佩斯,德国柏林,甚至马尼拉和莫斯科,都在上演这样的场景。Budapest or Berlin, if not Bogota or Bordeaux. Even Manila or Moscow.

这就像布拉格之春一遍,但只有在这里在布达佩斯。It's like the Prague Spring all over again, but only here in Budapest.

所以布达佩斯厄特沃什大学的科学家决定做这个求证。So scientists at Eotvos University in Budapest decided to do just that.

布拉格的哥特瓦尔德和布达佩斯的拉科西就中国问题采访过她。Gottwald in Prague and Rakosi in Budapest had interviewed her about China.

布拉格被评为物价最低城市,其次是布达佩斯和里斯本。Prague was elected the best bargain city, followed by Budapest and Lisbon.

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下一站是攀登“玛丽玛格达莲塔”,她是布达佩斯最美的风景之一。Next, climb the Mary Magdalene Tower for one of the best views of Budapest.

1956年的布达佩斯特也是年轻人与苏联坦克公然对抗。It was young men who faced off against the Soviet tanks in Budapest in 1956.

该Dohany街犹太教堂在布达佩斯也被称为伟大的犹太教堂。The Dohany Street Synagogue in Budapest is also known as the Great Synagogue.

从布达佩斯到巴西利亚,大量的贷款推动了内需。And, from Budapest to Brasília, an abundance of credit fuelled domestic demand.

当布达佩斯的一位教材出版商来向教授约稿时,教授很是吃惊。The professor was startled that a Budapest textbook publisher was coming to him.

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这条赛道位于布达佩斯市中心的东北部,大约需要20分钟的车程。The track is situated about a 20-minute drive northeast of the centre of Budapest.

布达佩斯轻歌剧剧场开始,并作为奥菲厄姆直到第一次世界大战成功。The Budapest Operetta Theater began as an orpheum and was successful until World War I.

我第一次见到Kian是在布达佩斯的中欧大学校园里。The first time I met Kian was on the campus of Central European University in Budapest.