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路缓缓地向湖边倾斜下去。The smooth road sloped invitingly before her.

这瓶打开的酒放在前面极其诱人,旁边还有一个威士忌酒杯。It was placed invitingly in front with a whisky glass by its side.

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晚饭后,女人含情脉脉,楚楚动人的躺到床上。After dinner, woman cooed some suggestive little sighs and slipped invitingly into bed.

西式烤小羊排真很好吃,十分诱人地发出滋滋声响。The western-style lamb chops are really succulent, invitingly giving off a sizzling sound.

他看着浴缸里诱人的热气,还有那杯简直好像求人品尝的红酒。He looked at the water steaming invitingly and the glass of wine just begging to be savoured.

买一个精致装订的本子并时常记录下所感所想也许会有些帮助。It might help to invest in an invitingly bound notebook and keep a journal of your thoughts and hopes.

一口上了年纪的老井,仍然迷人的躲在树荫里,涌出最纯净最冰冷的水。An old fashioned well, still yielding the purest and coldest of waters, stands invitingly near a shade of trees.

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我需要一点火花来燃烧自己,皮球越过了门线,我的名字出现在了进球榜上。You need something to light the fire, the ball to drop invitingly in the box, and you get your name on the scoresheet.

穹顶夹层内粘贴纸,通过光线照射和动人发亮的空间内。The dome laminated within is pasted with paper, through which light shines and invitingly illuminates the space inside.

但是,范加尔张开了双臂,小个子法国人蹿到他身上,险些把他撞倒。But Van Gaal opened his arms invitingly and the little Frenchman jumped on top of him, nearly knocking him over in the process.

奥谢接吉格斯角球,将球正巧传给无人防守的维迪奇,但对方后卫的努力防守,使这记射门高出球门横梁。John O'Shea flicked on Giggs's corner and the ball dropped invitingly to the unmarked Vidic but the defender's effort flew wastefully over the crossbar.

第一次,球落到禁区边缘就在他的身前。第二次,一分钟后饼干同学精准地左路过人后无人盯防,但是他的射门被门将没收了。First he miscued when the ball fell to him invitingly on the edge of the box, and a minute later Aurelio's pinpoint cross from the left found him unmarked but his header was kept out by Colgan.