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机甲跟着jake进入一个岩石裂缝。It follows him into a narrow rocky cleft.

唇裂或腭裂并非上天的诅咒,厄运的征兆。A cleft lip or palate is not a curse or omen.

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它是早期修复腭裂的一个较为安全的方法。It is a safer method for early cleft palate repair.

一样的下巴裂缝,明亮的眼睛,浅黑的皮肤。The same cleft chin, bright eyes, and swarthy skin.

这是一个隐性唇裂,是一种微小的唇裂。It is known as a microform cleft, a mild form of a cleft lip

MEE细胞的异常转归将导致腭裂发生。Unusual transformation of MEE cells can induce cleft palate.

一头有裂口用来拔钉子的锤子。Divided or cleft in a pinnate fashion. Used of certain leaves.

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维多利亚时代将腭裂视为塑造特征的缺陷。Victorians saw a cleft palate as a defect that built character.

有的还可能导致胎儿唇裂、腭裂等。Some may also lead to fetal cleft lip , cleft palate, and so on.

目的探讨单侧唇裂初次修复术的技术改进。Objective To improve the repair technique of unilateral cleft lip.

目的探讨唇腭裂整复手术的最佳时机。Objective To explore the best repair time for cleft lip and palate.

目的研究腭裂患者发普通话语音的特点。Objective To study the features of cleft palate speech in Mandarin.

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目的分析影响先天性腭裂手术效果的因素。To analyze the influence factors of congenital cleft palate repair.

目的探讨超声诊断胎儿腭裂的价值。Objective To explore the ultrasonic diagnosis of fetal cleft palate.

兔唇和腭裂在中国是最常见的缺陷。Cleft lip and palate is the most frequent congenital defect in China.

走近了,她看见他轮廓清晰的脸盘,下巴上有道小逢。Close up, she could see his chiseled face, a small cleft in his chin.

裂隙是穿过表皮或深达真皮的线状损害。A fissure is a linear cleft through the epidermis, or into the dermis.

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唇腭裂畸形是人类最常见的先天发育性缺陷之一。Cleft lip and palate is one of the most common congenital malformation.

这一空间叫做突触间隙,中间充满了细胞外液It's called the synaptic cleft and it's filled with extracellular fluid.

本文提出一种新的面横裂修复方法——下唇三角瓣法。A new procedure of surgical repair of transverse facial cleft was devised.