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这种情况过去称为无政府主义。This position used to be called anarchism.

你对于意识形态上的无政府主义如何看?From TianA What do you think of ideological anarchism?

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吴稚晖是中国近现代无政府主义思想的重要代表人。Wuzhillui is the important representative of the anarchism thought in modern time of China.

但“互助论”无政府主义仍对李大钊马克思主义观有深层影响。However, anarchism of "Mutual Aid Theory" still exerted deep influence on his views of Marxism.

直接民主饱受争议,人们认为这形式与无政府主义如出一辙。Direct democracy can arguably be considered to be in line with anarchism or to be one and the same.

在极权主义者不断增长的世界背景下,尤其是私人部门不断增长的背景下,我以倡导无政府主义为写作题材。I write of anarchism in a world increasingly totalitarian, especially in the growing private sector.

什么巩固蒲鲁东的无政府主义是他的强烈不信任的状态,甚至选举政治。What cemented Proudhon's anarchism was his vehement distrust of the state and even electoral politics.

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巴金思想中的无政府主义与革命民主主义是什么关系?What was the relationship between the anarchism in Ba Jin's thoughts and the revolutionary democratism?

温州,这个几近处于无政府主义监管之下的城市,已经变成了中国最富裕的城市。Wenzhou has become one of the richest cities in China under a regulatory regime that borders on anarchism.

这事实上只能导致无政府主义,导致社会主义事业的瓦解和覆灭。In fact, bowing to this demand would only lead to anarchism and the disruption and ruin of the socialist cause.

它使无政府主义、极端个人主义泛滥,严重地败坏了社会风气。It opened the floodgates to anarchism and ultra- individualism, and seriously debased standards of social conduct.

无政府主义是一种产生于欧洲的小资产阶级政治思潮。The anarchism is one kind of political ideological trend of the petty bourgeoisie which came into being in Europe.

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我所拥护的无政府主义仅仅是理性政治哲学和个人自由至上结出的一个果实。The anarchism Iespouse is merely a consequence of the philosophy of rationality and personalfreedom that comes first.

如果我们没有自由意志,那乖张的无政府主义就会出现了,支持人们随意行动。If we don't have free will, a perverse kind of anarchism emerges, one which seems to encourage us to act any way we choose.

任何执政党和政府都不会允许高度无政府主义的混乱局面长期存在。No ruling party and government can tolerate longlasting anarchism. The Cultural Revolution led China to considerable confusion.

伴随着网络技术的发展,信息污染、黄毒猖獗、道德相对主义及无政府主义等困扰着网络社会自身的发展。With the development of network , it is being more and more stranded in information pollution N moral relativism and anarchism.

然而,在二十世纪之初,无政府主义如雨后春笋般在中华大地上广泛传播发展,并且产生了很大的影响。However, at the beginning of 20th century, the anarchism appeared all over China in large numbers, and had a very tremendous impact.

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这个也就是我总是对于自由运动有所共识的原因,象西北部的「无政府主义」,「埃弗雷特大搏斗」等等…That's why I was always sympathetic to freedom movents, too, like anarchism in the Northwest, the oldtime heroes of Everett Massacre and all.

这个也就是我总是对自由运动有所共叫的原因,象西北部的「无政府主义」,「埃弗雷特大屠杀」等等…That's why I was always sympathetic to freedom movements, too, like anarchism in the Northwest, the oldtime heroes of Everett Massacre and all.

在极权主义者不断增长的世界背景下,尤其是私人部门不断增长的背景下,我以倡导无政府主义为写作题材。I write of anarchism in a world increasingly totalitarian, especially in the growing private sector. This is how I use my voice. How will you use yours?