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乃缦是亚兰王军队的司令员。Naaman was the commander of the Syrian army.

因此制裁损害不了叙利亚人民。It wouldn't hurt the Syrian people, " said Tabler."

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野生的叙利亚是黄金色而且短毛。Wild Syrian hamsters are golden colored and short haired.

在这个问题上,叙利亚民众的耐心肯定会磨光的。Syrian popular impatience in that respect is sure to rise.

我见到一个叙利亚人,手里擎一枝芦苇般的细杆。I saw a Syrian who held in his hands a thin rod like a reed.

第二天在戈兰高地,托马林被叙利亚的火箭炮击中身亡。Next day on the Golan, Tomalin was killed by a Syrian rocket.

以利沙将亚兰王的计谋预先告知了以色列王。Elisha warned the king of Israel of the scheme of Syrian King.

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华盛顿应该暂且不动,等候叙利亚政权的慢慢消失。Washington should wait out the slow death of the Syrian regime.

叙利亚外长穆阿利姆14日就这一事件表示歉意。Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem on the incident to apologize.

我们不会保护叙利亚政府,但国际法会。We are not protecting the Syrian government, but international law.

他的想法颇能代表现世社会叙利亚年轻人的意识形态。He's fairly representative of young Syrian men in a secular society.

我猜中国不会接收任何的叙利亚难民。I'm guessing you won't be seeing Chinataking any Syrian refugees in.

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不,耶稣说,他只去了叙利亚国的乃缦。No Jesus says, he wasn't sent to them he was sent to Naaman the Syrian.

科尔提到,因为叙利亚籍母亲的卑微身份,他总是被欺侮。Coll suggests that he was haunted by the low status of his Syrian mother.

叙利亚官员现在“只能靠伊朗支持”自己的行动。Syrian officials now can “look only to Iran for support” for their actions.

当时这里还是叙利亚沙漠上的绿洲和集散地。Kingdom of Palmyra, Syria, an oasis and trade crossroads in the Syrian desert.

天野之弥说,国际原子能机构将在10月间,和叙利亚官员就这项问题举行会晤。Amano said IAEA staff will meet with Syrian officials on the matter in October.

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他希望建立第一个非犹太人或非犹太教徒的教会,在叙利亚的安提俄克。He hoped to establish the first non-Jewish or Gentile Church, in Syrian Antioch.

作为回应,叙利亚国家媒体发表文章煽动民众攻击福特。Syrian state media has, in turn, published articles inciting people against Ford.

叙利亚人民誓要开展一场旷日持久、不确定和暴力的争取自由的斗争。The Syrian people's fight for freedom promises to be long, uncertain, and violent.