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火星迸溅。Sparks flew in all directions.

波浪拍击在岩石上四下迸溅。The waves broke against the rocks.

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然后水可以流动,也可以迸溅散开。Now, water can flow or it can crash.

浪打在岩石上面而四下迸溅。The wave was breaking against the rocks.

撞击,撞击,撞击大海啊,在冰凉灰色的岩石上迸溅!Break, break, break On thy cold gray stones, O sea!

悲泪凝铸的钟乳迸溅着哭声。Grievous tears cast some stalactites, spreading out crying.

智慧同智慧相碰,就迸溅出无数的火花。Wisdom with touching one another, they splashed out millions of spark.

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紫色的大条幅上,泛着点点银光,就像迸溅的水花。Dots of silver light float on the big purple scroll, they are like the splashed spray.

于是,我二十五岁的青春血液,虽然因为营养不足而变得非常稀薄,这时也在我的血管中激荡迸溅。So, my blood of 25 ages, although very thinner because of inanition , at this moment, surged in my vas.

随着轮船上一阵惊呼,河上噗通一声,浪花迸溅,我不觉自己所坐的船陡的沉入了水中。I heard a great cry on board the steamer and a loud splash in the water, and felt the boat sink from under me.

根据爱因斯坦的相对论,能量与质量是对等的,所以这些高能碰撞会迸溅出大量通常世界中见不到的亚原子粒子。According to Einstein's theory of relativity, energy equals mass, so those high-energy collisions can blast into fleeting existence massive subatomic particles not seen in the everyday world.