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他们把他从轻发落。They dealt with him leniently.

青丝发落丛鬓疏。This plexus hair thinning hair.

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现在他只能听由裁判发落了。He is now at the mercy of the referee.

是生是死,他们全凭征服者发落。They were at the mercy of the conquerors.

现在投降吧,争取从轻发落。Surrender now and you will be shown mercy.

由于是初犯,她将被从轻发落,只罚款了事。She'll get away with a fine as it is a first offence.

如果罪犯认罪,法官答应从宽发落。The judge promised leniency if the offender confessed.

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番茄,把发落水牛芝士,虾,鱿鱼,蚌类。Tomato, mozzarella , Prawns, squid, mussels, scallops and clams.

父亲进了监狱,而两个男孩则从轻发落。The father went to prison, but the two boys got off with a warning.

而为表圣上仁慈,通知严世藩将杨秀从轻发落。And for the table holy mercy, will inform YanShiFan Yang Xiu lenient.

但是正式开庭以后,我们就改为认罪答辩,请求从宽发落。But when the trial comes up we'll change it to a plea of guilty and ask for mercy.

那四头猪浑身发抖地等待发落,面孔上的每道皱纹似乎都刻写着他们的罪状。The four pigs waited, trembling, with guilt written on every line of their countenances.

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国王对他的错误网开三面,决定从宽发落。The king was very lenient towards his error, and decided to give him the lightest punishment.

法院从宽发落了这个罪犯,因为他坦白得比较彻底。The court let the criminal off with a light sentence because he had made a fairly honest confession.

由此,下旨免了将军府上下的罪责,对颜氏也是从轻发落。Descend an aim to not mind common your family from here under of responsibility for, to Yan surname also from lightly dispose of.

然而眼前这个老人削瘦枯槁,比罗柏高不了多少,手脚紧缚身后,静待国王的旨意发落。But the man they found bound hand and foot to the holdfast wall awaiting the king's justice was old and scrawny, not much taller than Robb.

这种“震撼手雷”和“毒药”的结合体,“麻痹瓦斯弹”会使他们的身体彻底丧失抵抗能力只能任由你发落。The combination of the Stun Grenade and Poison, the Paralysis Grenade will leave their bodies completely disabled while you choose their fate.

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孙少勇将照片交给朱梅,这让朱梅有了物证,孙少勇希望他能从轻发落他爹,朱梅让他回去等消息。Sun Shaoyong photos to Zhu Mei, Zhu Mei with material evidence, Sun Shaoyong hope he can be lenient his dad, Zhu Mei let him go back to the message.

这种由“蘑菇”和“瓦汉白兰地”混合而成的致命液体会使他们的身体彻底丧失抵抗能力只能任由你发落。A combination of the Mushrooms and the Varham's Aqua Vitae, this lethal liquid will leave their bodies completely disabled while you choose their fate.

那么孙继海为何能使英足总从轻发落呢?英国当地媒体对此进行了分析。Why then Sun Jihai can cause the British Football Association to deal with leniently The British local media has carried on the analysis regarding this.