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对于格林斯泰因的领导,也有人颇有微词。There have been some grumbles about his leadership.

一谈到核电站安全问题,我颇有微词。When it comes to the safety of nuclear power plants, I am biased.

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虽然本地人工资见涨,但他们对经济增长的副作用亦颇有微词。Despite rising wages, locals have chafed at some of growth's side effects.

委员会主席多德也和谢尔比一样,对美联储颇有微词.他表示,他尚未决定将监控系统风险的职责交与哪一方.Like Shelby, committee chairman Dodd has been a consistent critic of the Fed.

那人们又为什么对这些由电脑传播的文字信息颇有微词呢?So why are people saying such bad things about these computer-borne text messages?

今天还有人嘲笑我评论柏克森,并略有微词。And today there are people who laugh and reproach me for having written even on Bergson.

由于其他人都没有从盘子里拿走物件,其他组员都稍有微词,表示不满。Although no one else took an object off the tray, there were grumbles from the other participants.

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尽管我听到有人对提纯水的味道颇有微词,但它喝起来还相当不错。The derivative is bad full to drink, although I HAs Listend some derogatory comments acres the taste.

虽然基民盟中的守旧派对她的领导颇有微词,但他们当中还没有一人有能力挑战她。Though CDU traditionalists grumble about her leadership, they have no one capable of challenging her.

但一些投资者对此颇有微词,称不应改变原准则而允许记入这类收益。But some investors are crying foul, saying the rules shouldn't have been changed to allow for such gains.

广州市长林树森几个月前对新加坡的微词言犹在耳。The mild criticisms of Singapore by Guangzhou mayor Lin Shusen some months ago are still fresh in my mind.

自亚当夏娃以来,也许每一代性情乖张的长辈都会对年轻人颇有微词,如今也不例外。Perhaps every generation of geezers since Adam and Eve has whined about young people, and today is no different.

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某个周日,南希·阿斯特夫人和丘吉尔一道在一座城堡做客,互相之间颇有微词。Lady Nancy Astor and he were both guests at a castle one weekend and were getting on one another’s nerves. She quipped

当一位东正教牧师于1438年造访意大利时,他就对西方艺术家所作的圣人肖像颇有微词。When an Eastern Orthodox cleric visited Italy in 1438, he complained about how Western artists painted their holy men.

但一直负责照看劳拉的少年儿童保护组织对于政府此举颇有微词,该组织称劳拉“已准备好起航”。But the youth protection group looking after Miss Dekker had disagreed with authorities and said she was 'ready to sail.'

我的许多外国朋友对学校的住宿条件颇有微词,但是,对我而言,这里简直可以称得上一个安适的居所。Many of my college friends complained about our dorm. But for me, it felt like a really a safe and comfortable place to be.

外界虽然对苹果系统的封闭颇有微词,但它的确提供了一系列优秀的设备。Apple’s system, however much it may be criticised for being closed, offers a set of sleek devices, a gleaming little family.

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温格对导致西汉姆联队第一个进球的任意球判罚颇有微词——这球是由于迪亚比对扎沃-海因斯犯规造成的。Wenger was upset at the award of the free-kick – for a foul by Abou Diaby on Zavon Hines – which led to West Ham's first goal.

人们总是对新型通话方式颇有微词,特别是抱怨移动和互联网电话通话质量的良莠不齐。People complain a lot about the new style of making phone calls, especially the spotty quality of many mobile and Internet calls.

以往人们对自由基多颇有微词,但事实上,一项新的研究表明自由基有助于长寿。These much maligned molecules may not be entirely harmful after all. In fact, a new study suggests they could help us live longer.