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神州中医药学会消渴病专业委员会。Trditionl Chinese Medicine Committee of Dibetes.

中国中医药学会消渴病专业委员会。Traditional Chinese Medicine Committee of Diabetes.

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消渴病的基本病机是阴虚燥热。The basic pathogenesis of diabetes is dryness-heat due to deficiency of yin.

为后世医家对于消渴病的研究与治疗提供了理论依据。Provides a theoretical basis for Physicians in Research and Treatment about Diabetes.

目的建立测定消渴平颗粒中格列本脲含量的方法。OBJECTIVE To establish an HPLC method for determining glibenclamide in Xiaokeping granules.

随着临床的广泛使用,消渴丸引起的不良反应报告也日渐增多。With being widely used in clinic, more and more ADR cases of Xiaoke Wan have been reported.

目的观察消渴肾安胶囊治疗糖尿病肾病的疗效。ObjectiveTo observe the therapeutic effect of Xiaoke Shen an capsule on diabetic nephropathy.

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目的建立高效液相色谱法测定玉液消渴冲剂中葛根素的含量。OBJECTIVE To establish a method for the determination of puerarin in Yuye Xiaoke granules by HPLC.

消渴丸是治疗糖尿病的中西药复方制剂,具有较好的临床疗效。Xiaoke Wan is Chinese-Western combination preparation, and has been used in patients with diabetes.

所以中医治疗消渴病常以“三消”立论。Therefore the Chinese medicine treats diabetes often by "the three urinary deficiencies" the argument.

我们可以从杜甫低吟的诗歌中,聆听他如何叙述与他生命交缠的「消渴」。From Du Fu's poetry, we can find out how he described with the illness, which was interknitted his life.

成为后世分消渴为上消、中消、下消之宗本。So the thirst elimination is divided into upper elimination, central elimination, and bottom elimination.

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现代中医学认为,“阴虚燥热”是消渴病的基本病机。The modern TCM believes that Yin deficiency and dryness-heat is the basic pathogenesis of wasting thirst.

西瓜被认为是一种消渴的上佳水果,但是你能想象出它还是一种天然的伟哥吗?Watermelon is regarded as a good fruit to quench thirsty, but can you imagine it may also be a natural Viagra?

用于气虚阴亏,内热,咳喘痰血,虚热烦倦,消渴,口燥咽干。For the deficiency of Qi and Yin, phlegm heat, cough blood, deficiency heat, tired, thirsty, dry mouth and throat.

糖尿病骨质疏松症属于中医“骨痿”、“骨痹”、“消渴”的范畴。Osteoporosis in diabetes belonged to atrophic debility of bones, rheumatism involving the bone and diabetes in TCM.

发热恶寒,小便不利,少腹满,消渴,或水入即吐,脉浮或浮数。D. fever, aversion to cold, dysuria, lower abdominal distension and fullness, thirst, vomiting after drink water and floating pulse.

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消渴是临床常见的一种疾病,典型症状为多饮、多食、多尿、乏力、消瘦。Xiaoke is a commonly seen disease in clinic with the typical syndrome of polyphagia, polydispia, polyuria, weariness and emaciation.

以方剂药性特征为基础探讨消渴方的药性特征和寒凉类、温热类方剂的药性特征。The formulas with cool or warm nature and the formula used to treat wasting-thirst were studied based on the concept of formula nature.

目的通过对36例消渴丸严重低血糖反应病例进行分析,为临床合理用药提供参考。Objective By collecting the severe low blood sugar reactions of xiaokewan, to provide refer-ences for rational use of drug in the clinic.