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这些对读者情绪准确拿捏的点滴让这本书成为你长途旅行的好伴侣,只是别让乘务员看到你的眼泪。Just don't let the flight attendants see you cry.

按压和拿捏的方式类型用你的最爱。Apply pressure and stroke yourself using your favorite techniques.

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对于如何执法,孙建国表示这个“度”很难拿捏。How to execute the law, Sun Jianguo said that the" of" hard to handle.

明奈利对情感与虚张声势的拿捏是无可挑剔的。Minnelli's sensibilities were perfect for it – the sensitivity and the bravado.

在反对,施压,以及持续介入之间拿捏分寸是困难的。Finding the line between disapproval, pressure and continued engagement will be hard.

况且林媚无亲无物,毫无倚仗,要拿捏她,还不容易么?Besides Lin Mei have no close have no thing, have no to rely on, manage she, also not easy?

我爱喜剧,尽管我发现它非常有挑战性,要拿捏好时间。I love comedy, though I find it more challenging. A rom-com is a more challenging thing for me.

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本周早些时候,国务院发言人称,应该由巴基斯坦来拿捏决定。Earlier this week a state department spokesman said it was a matter for Pakistan to decide upon.

它们的线条总是那么独到,对于某些细节的朴实无华则是拿捏得恰当好处。Their lines are always original, the simplicity of certain details which are perfectly balanced.

它提供女性,芬芳的水果,在优雅,拿捏表现典型的Barolos的拉莫拉。It offers feminine, perfumed fruit in the graceful, finessed expression typical of the Barolos of La Morra.

我们不能去要求阿妹把每首歌都拿捏到位,但是她的歌声都是发自内心的,打动人心的。We can not ask sis each song has to handle in place, but her singing is heartfelt, touched people's hearts.

后来他又很天真的以为自己能拿捏好反讽与偏见的区别,这就是错上加错了。If he assumed he would be able to tread the thin line between ironic and unironic prejudice, he was wrong again.

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互联网公司必须拿捏好分寸,要提供吸引用户的服务,但又不能激怒中央政府。Internet companies must walk a fine line, offering services that draw users without angering the central government.

人士经理如果真想雇佣你的话,他们尤其会拿捏得很好,这时你就不要匆忙做出决定。Hiringmanagers have been known to put the squeeze on, especially if theyreally want you, but don't rush into decisions.

家里最难处理的棘手问题之一莫过于搞清楚如何拿捏父母与孩子之间的权力平衡问题。One of the toughest issues to manage in a family is figuring out the right balance of power between parents and children.

其次,如果你读得多了,对于哪种类型的内容或出于哪种目的阅读该用怎样的速度去读,你都会拿捏得当。Second, if you read more frequently, you get a better sense of what speed to go for the type of content and your purposes.

在电脑的辅助下,他们写出一首又一首的歌曲,慢慢拿捏著流行与另纇之间的尺度。With the help of Tao's computer, they wrote many songs, trying to walk the fine line between the mainstream and the alternative.

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最后,在一个竞争的市场环境中,你要想雇用而且留住高智商人群,那你就得好好拿捏拿捏了。Lastly, in competitive markets, if you are in the business of hiring and retaining brains, then you need to find a right balance.

一项新的研究表明当你面对几项选择拿捏不准反复思量,这可能会加重你的思想负担,只至最后虽然你选择一项也会致你筋疲力尽。A new study shows that while mulling over a few options may weigh heavily on your mind, finally choosing one may just plain wear you out.

对比起来,里根有丰富的生活经验,对于国内政敌与外国敌人之间的差异,更是拿捏自如。By contrast, Reagan had a variety of life experiences, and mastered the difference between domestic opponents and foreign enemies marvelously.