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蜜存放日久即行结晶。Honey crystallizes if kept too long.

结晶格子及结晶系统。Crystal lattices and crystal systems.

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结晶器保护渣系列化分析研究。The seriation of mold slag is studied.

五氯酚是结晶固体。Pentachlorophenol is a crystalline solid.

它们在基础阶段是结晶状的。At their basic level, they're crystalline.

这场汇演是里夫斯的心血结晶。The festival was the brainchild of Reeves.

他们的爱情结晶降生了,他们给她起名迪尔德丽。A baby was born, and they named her Deirdre.

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那只是我才华和智慧的结晶。It is just my wisdom and talent crystalized.

白色或类白色结晶性粉末,无气味。White or white crystalline powder, odorless.

成岩作用是分离结晶和同化混染联合作用。What is the role of the UN Secretary-General?

白色的结晶性粉末,无气味,味酸。White fine powder, odorless, with sour taste.

化学上有一个实验叫结晶。Chemistry on an experiment called the crystal.

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他使盐结晶作为他的实验的一部分。He crystallized salt as part of his experiment.

它是一种白色结晶粉末,无气味。It is a white crystalline and odourless powder.

那是我们爱情的结晶,生命的延续。That is our amatory crystal , the life lasting.

两个独─无二旳个体旳爱旳结晶!Two very unique individuals paired off in love!

这本书是来自20个国家的166名专家集体智慧的结晶。It is the work of 166 experts from 20 countries.

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这个反应我们称为结晶。And this reaction is what we call crystallization.

金刚石是从岩浆中结晶沉淀的。Diamond is precipitated from the kimberlite magma.

它将重新结晶为原来的结构。It will recrystallize into the original structure.