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这是一座砖头房。This is a brick house.

然后就会像砖头一样沉下去。Then I swim down like a brick.

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他被一块落下的砖头砸伤了。He was hurt by a falling brick.

新上网本变砖头。Your New Netbook is Now a Brick.

突然,答案像砖头一样砸醒了我。Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

地下的砖头瓦块也实在多,开不动。Underground bricks is much, can't move.

当生命想与你的心灵窃窃私语,有时,你会没有时间去聆听……那么砖头就会落到你的头上,提醒你注意!brick at you to get your attention. Life

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子弹呼啸着从身边过去,打在砖头上。Bullets zinging past, hitting the bricks.

砖头是人们用手传过去的。The bricks were passed from hand to hand.

我还看见过橡树林中留存着的砖头。I have seen bricks amid the oak copse there.

她撬起一块砖头一看,发现下面有一只蚂蚁。She pulled up the brick and there was an ant.

所以,你害怕你已经用砖头封你的路由器。So, you're afraid you've bricked your router.

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要是他们在重复数砖头,让他们进审计部。If they are recounting them put them in auditing.

提到瓦片和砖头,就数大钟圣吉尔斯。Brickbats and tiles, Say the bells of St. Giles 's.

取而代之的,是一块砖头砸到了他的“美洲豹”侧门。Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag 's side door!

工人把砖头整齐地码放在墙边。The workers stacked the bricks up against the wall.

相反,一块砖头却撞在“美洲虎”的侧门上。Instead, a brick smashed into② the Jag 's side door!

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提到瓦片和砖头,就数大钟圣吉尔斯。Margret's. Brickbats and tiles, Say the bells of St.

倾听灵魂的心语,或者等着那砖头!Listen to the whispers of your soul or wait for the brick!

灰泥、磁砖、砖头或地基新出现的裂缝。New cracks appear in plaster, tile, brick, or foundations.