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我很觉得这个酸辣汤。I really like this sweet and sour soup.

我们来份川味酸辣汤吧。We'll take the Sichuan hot and sour soup.

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我们有酸辣汤和紫菜汤。We've got hot and sour soup and seaweed soup.

那个酸辣汤害我肚子好痛。That spicy soup gave me a terrible stomachache.

要不要来一碗汤?四川酸辣汤味道很好的。The Sichuan Hot and Sour Soup is very delicious.

来酸辣汤吧,我想这些菜已经够了。Hot and sour soup, please, and that's enough for me.

佩琪告诉保罗,酸辣汤非常的好喝。Paggy tell Paul, hot and sour soup is very delicious.

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我们有速冻水饺,再做个酸辣汤吧?We have frozen dumplings again become a hot and sour soup?

你喜欢什么汤,酸辣汤还是四宝汤?Which do you prefer, sour peppery soup or four-jewel soup?

在美国,酸辣汤是标准的中国菜。Hot and Sour soup is a standard in Chinese cuisine in America.

我非常喜欢到中国餐馆和订购焦炭和酸辣汤。I enjoy going to Chinese restaurants and ordering coke and hot and sour soup.

先生,您点的菜有鱼香肉丝、麻婆豆腐和酸辣汤,对吗?Bean curd with pepper and chilli sauce , and hot and sour soup. Am I right, sir?

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我们有鸡片汤、酸辣汤和时蔬海鲜汤。We have sliced chicken soup, sour and hot soup and seafood soup with seasonal vegetable.

酸辣汤一直受到顾客的青睐,这是典型的中国汤菜。The lot and sour soup is always a favorite with our customers. It's typical Chinese soup.

您来点什么汤?我们有番茄蛋花汤,酸辣汤。Which soup do you want? We have Eggdrop Soup with Sliced Tomatoes, Famous Hot &Sour Soup.

然而,最受欢迎的也莫过于北京烤鸭,上海面,四川酸辣汤,还有广东饺子。However, the most popular are Beijing duck, Shanghai noodles, Sichuan soup and Guangdong dumplings.

一个周五傍晚,我做了蘑菇炖鸡、酸辣汤、番茄炒蛋和清蒸鱼。A Friday evening, I did mushroom smothered chicken, Hot-and-Sour Soup, tomato scrambled egg and steam fish.

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当晚呈现给德国朋友们的菜肴是什锦鸡柳、酸辣汤和拔丝香蕉。The dishes presented to the German friends that night were Assorted Chicken, Hot and Sour soup and Caramelized Bananas.